Victor -- Amusement

This was all to fun, seriously! Victor hadn't enjoyed being around people this much since Ji Soon, Leon, and he had gone to school together. Maria was a fascinating girl; and that Skylar. . .he chortled.
Currently Victor was sitting on a large tree branch that protruded from a smooth and almost impregnable oak about three miles away from Leon's lair. Victor's owl was perched on his shoulder, gently cooing and preening its feathers.
"My dear Archimedes" Victor purred softly, stroking the owl's crimson tinged tawny plumage almost lovingly. This Archimedes was his favorite thing - no, person in the world right now. He remembered how the owl had been attacked by an Oculus Edo; which is a demon that lives by devouring the eyes of smaller animals. How he had called in a favor that a mage who specialized in enchanting metals and other materials to act as arms, legs, hair, pretty much anything, owed him. This owl was his.
"You should be sleeping right now, Archimedes. It's not good for owls to be awake during this time."
The owl hooted irritably, almost as if he understood what had just been said. And in return, Victor smiled and closed his eyes; "I know, you're a born rule breaker."
Victor opened one eye lazily and peered down. There was, to his surprise, Tessa standing below him, her hands on her hips, looking up with a petulant expression.
"Hey yourself, how'd you get here?"
"Stupid question; I walked." She snapped back. Clearly Tessa wasn't in the best of moods. "Anyway, get down from there, I want to ask you some questions."
"Me? Ask ME some questions? Whatever for?" Victor's mock astonishment seemed to aggravate her even more.
"Just get down from there, please. I want to ask you about Skylar, since you seem to be the one who knows the most about anything, next to Leon, that is."
That intrigued Victor, he knew that she was trying to appeal to his ego when she said he was knowledgeable, Victor knew damn well that she just wanted to glean any bit of information she could out of him, no matter how small; he liked that.
He languidly grabbed on the tree branch with his arms and let himself dangle a moment before he dropped to the ground and stood looming over Tessa, a laid-back smile on his face.
"So his name's Skylar, eh?"
I figured I should try to incorporate people into my storyline a little better than I have been doing. >w<;;
