
Hi guys ahhhhhh! srry i coulden't write earlie mr arms r growing so they hurt! I got so stressed the teachers keep reminding us that we had a bunch of binder checks and tests coming up yaaay!, anyways all that *beeeep* is done now so im exaughsted! plus my dad can't understand it takes more than 3 seconds to get a music peice out! i hope u guys didn't have the tough time i had! But enough with complaining! lets get this partey started! did u know i actually learned something today! When u grow the body part thats growing hurts! kk who do u guys think is hotter 4= Jonny Deep or LeonardoDicaprio? 4 the= Keira Knightly or Rihanna pm me!


~bluewaterbird96 (blue)

good luck and smile -
