Little brother

Little brother
You are handsome
You are kind
You are smart
You are loving
You have a lot to say
But no one seems to pay attention
No one wants to hear what you have to say
The only ones who listen to you
Are your parents
And your older siblings
They are the only ones who listen
They never say 'I don't want to hear it'
They listen to whatever you have to say

Little brother
You are handsome
You are kind
You are smart
You are funny
You love to tell jokes about other people
You make you older siblings laugh
You make your parents proud
You say you have lots of friends
But the truth is you don't
Your so~called friends aren't your friends at all
Your friends are liars
They were never your friends
They were just using you
They never cared about you

Little brother
You are handsome
You are kind
You are smart
You are mine
You make my every day life seem possible
You make me laugh
You make me angry
You make me sad
You are annoying at times
You are one of the moany reasons I'm alive
You are loving
You are bothersome
You are fun to be around
You are mine,little brother
