(World makeover pending)

You can call me Art or Artgrrl. My real name Allura but here I prefer Artgrrl

TheOtaku is my usual haunt but you can also find me at;
deviantart, mangamagazine

Date of Birth: October 5



The Revenge and Merlin

Does anyone watch the series?
I haven't watch most of it but its really good but its crazy with the plot twists and theres a lot of scary characters O___o

Also does anyone watch BBC Merlin?
I'm currently watching the last series on Sy Fy. I love the show its awesome.
If you don't know its a retelling of the legend of Arthur and Merlin. The difference is Merlin is a teenager and is the same age as Arthur. Arthur is a prince and Merlin becomes his man servant and has to keep his magic powers a secret because the King, Arthur's father has outlawed magic/witchcraft
Morgana is in it also around the same age as Merlin and Arthur she's the King's Ward I think thats what they called her and Gwen is Morgana's lady in waiting/servant

You can watch the first through fourth series on Netflix. Theres some websites where you can watch for free I think.
Its really good and worth to watch.

Also I did a Merlin meme on Deviant Art LINK
Because I love it that much :)


Manga Studio has screwed up again...
I can't get it to work there's this window that pops up whenever I try to open it it says

And I try to find the program in the computer's location called 'old windows' which was where I originally found it but now I can't. Actually a lot of stuff that was in 'old windows' seems to be missing...

Aw well I'm planning on getting the MS 5 anyway. I wanting on for the EX that comes out in summer.

I think its screwing up because its not made to use for Windows 8 it was originally made of 7 and vista

At least I have Paint Tool Sai and GIMP


On Sunday I saw Jack the Giant Slayer with my dad.
I liked the Giants they were cool even though they were fugly, disgusting and evil.
Didn't like the princess. She was supposed to be the 'rebellious princess' I do like those type of characters but it didn't seem like she did anything cool or even helpful. All she did was run away, get into trouble, runaway, get caught, get rescued, runaway again. Never saw her fight even though she wore armor. I would have liked to see her stick a sword or shoot an arrow at a Giant. *sighs*

I want to see Oz I'm looking forward to seeing that

Something wrong with my hand

Its my left hand it feels like its falling asleep (I don't know the proper medical term for it). That numbing pin and needles fuzzy feeling. its been like that for over three or four days. Yes I had body parts (Hands, feet, legs) fell asleep on me and to an extent to where it hurts but it would eventually went away and I feel normal again.
But this numbing feeling won't go away.
It doesn't hurt and it doesn't really bother with my activities, like typing. I'm using both hands to type but my left pinky and left ring finger feels numb.
I'm just a little worried that this feeling is consistent but its probably nothing

Easter Egg Hunt

Kitabug69 is hosting a challenge or a project where you create a egg as an world theme, your theOtaku account (like "Artgrr") or a favorite anime character

For more information go to here