Keira's gotten so big! But she's still so cute...when she's not being a brat XD
Since blackEVERspot is doing fanart for me I shall draw a fanart for three people those are the rules of the Pay it Forward Challenge
The first three to comment I will do fanart for them.
And those three must do fanarts for three people :)
Just got back from visiting Wolf Park. My sister Sarah got to meet real wolf pups!
I took pictures and I'll post them when I'm able.
However for PGR posts are on on hold.
My big sister Justine with her husband and friends went to Florida and guess where she stopped off at?
The Harry Potter theme park!!!!! I am so jealous!!! DX
She told me she didn't got to do much because her friends doesn't like Harry Potter, they like hate it, they don't even let their kids watch the movies because of the magic and stuff. *shakes head* How is she friends with them???
But she got to go on the Dueling Dragons

and the Hogwarts Castle tour.
Did I mention I am jealous!
I'm working on Kiki's and Maura's post. Tomorrow we're going to Wolf Park again and we get to meet the wolf pups in person! I have to remember to bring my camera to take pics :)
Makers of Manga Studio (My main art program) has made a new program for digital art
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