(World makeover pending)

You can call me Art or Artgrrl. My real name Allura but here I prefer Artgrrl

TheOtaku is my usual haunt but you can also find me at;
deviantart, mangamagazine

Date of Birth: October 5



Job offer?

On Deviantart I was asked to draw a comic /manga for a writer.
I don't think I'll take it.
The story sounds interesting but the genre is seinen sports action
I'm more of a shoujo style and this story involves motorcycles and action. I can't draw motorcycles I can't even draw a regular bike.
The writer offers 50% of the profit from what the manga sales. That's not a good deal to me what if the comic doesn't sell at all ( and it most likely because of my unprofessional drawing skills)
So I'll decline the offer mostly because my drawing isn't good enough
...now this makes me want to practice drawing


There was a tornado that tore up a small town about an hour from where we live. Scary!!! DX. But we're okay

Until the next day its going to be sunny and warm all week

So anyway I'm going on a diet. Yeppie


My replacement kindle came in! I'm so happy!! TTvTT
The first one wouldn't hold a charge then it died

Teeth pulling excitement

So my sister Sarah is getting her wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. All SIX of them
She's nervous and not looking to the change of diet she has too take during the recovery

I got over my cold
I can breath through my nose again! XD

This is my first post by kindle. I love my kindle fire. Though it tends to act glitchy when I try to post a comment
So when I check on posts and artwork I won't be able to comment :P


Just kidding! XD

I downloaded an amp that creates shattered patterns when you tap on the screen.

Today's my brother's 33rd birthday. We're gonna to my oldest sister Ginny's to have cake

And Happy Chinese New Year :D