lol I can't wait for KP 2 to be out! =D
If you look closer at his eyes you can see whats suppose to be the reflection of the audience in the movie theater
I first saw the trailer when I went to see Megamind with my sister Sarah and dad.
It was a really good movie.
I love Megamind/Roxanne they're so cute! I want to make a fan art of them ^w^
Today I'm going to make chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies. My sister Sarah has been wanting them so I'm going to make them today. I have to wait for the butter to soften first. I never made cookies from scratch I hope I don't mess up XD and Sarah better help me out
My sister Justine has been attending nurse college. I didn't know she wanted to become a nurse. She says she wants to be an ER nurse. She says she wants to work in where all the action is or something.
She's been using us as patients for practice. She took my blood pressure and said it was high and that I might have diabetes. I'm a little scared if I really might have them. Don't diabetics have to take that blood test thing. I hate getting pricked! I hate needles too!!!!! DX
My sister says its no big deal but how would she know? She's not a diabetic!
okay I sound like I'm over reacting but still I hope I don't have it! I don't know that much about it. All I know is that you have to prick your finger or something
.......and theres something thats been going around in my head. I'm trying to remember the name of this cartoon I used to watch when I was a little kid. I can barely remember it. I remember two characters clearly, they were both little elf creatures. Tiny enough to hold a firefly with two hands. One was a girl with blond hair and dressed in pink with a pointed hat. The other was a boy with brown hair and buck teeth he dressed in blue (I think) I remember he always had this sour look on his face.
Does that ring any bells?
Later I might draw a picture of them. This is really bugging me. AND I WON'T REST TELL I GET SOME ANSWERS!!! >XDDDDDDDDD