My mom told me this hilarious story. She was visiting her friends and they have a Great Dane and their cat just had a litter of kittens. Mom and her friends were in the living room the dog was lying in the corner and the cat and her kittens were in a cat house. The dog walks over to the cat house and sticks his head inside then he goes back in the corner and lies down. Mom was watching the dog while her friends were talking. She said the dog was resting his head on his paws and looked so cute. Then he opened his mouth and a little kitten crawls out! It was all wet and slimey and then the dog traps it in his paws and started licking it. My mom was shocked and thought the dog was really going to eat the kitty and she like "Uh your dog is going to eat your cat..." But they were like it's fine he would never hurt a fly.
I thought it was pretty funny they way my mom told the story she had my laughing so hard my sides were hurting. She should be a stand up comedian XD