I just downloaded GIMP 2 on the PC finally.
I saw these very helpful tutorials on Youtube by GIMPtricks
I find them easy to understand. I prefer video tutorials when it comes to computer programs like for GIMP and Manga Studio
I hope to learn how to make cool text to make titles for the cover of my mangas/comics

And today is Thunder Over Louisville YEPPIE!!!! (she says with zero enthusiasm)
If you guys don't know what that is its a celebration; the annaul kick off event of the Kentucky Derby. Its an airshow and fireworks desplay held in Louisville, Kentucky.
Right now I can hear the planes and jets going by
Traditionally I would hang out with my family to watch the show and wait for the fireworks show but I don't really want to go. Its really cold and wet today and someone said there might be snow.
I remember when I was little I used to look forward to this day. Ahhh the good old days.

Anyway thats it for now
