Favorite Manga Challenge: With Answers

Got it from Emmz's
The answers are on the bottom
30-Day Manga Challenge:

01. Your very first anime/manga
02. Your favorite manga
03. Your favorite mangaka
04. A character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)
05. A manga you would recommend to everyone
06. Your favorite character
07. A manga you disliked enough to stop reading
08. The most annoying character
09. A manga you’d like to see more of
10. A manga that makes you fluffy and happy when you read it
11. Your first anime crush
12. A manga you used to love but don’t anymore
13. The most epic scene ever
14. A manga that makes you cry. EDIT: A manga you never really liked
15. The saddest scene
16. A manga that isn’t licensed but SHOULD be. EDIT: A manga you feel you should read but can't
17. A manga that you feel embarrassed about liking
18. Favorite BL/yuri couple
19. A manga that you disliked at first but came to enjoy later on
20. A manga you started out enjoying but ended up not liking as much
21. A manga that deserves more recognition
22. A manga you wish didn’t exist
23. Best anime villain
24. The best long manga series
25. The best manga oneshot
26. The last manga you read
27. A manga you would never buy
28. A manga you think is so brilliant it’s like literature
29. A manga you read that was just plain weird
30. Your favorite anime opening/ending theme
1: My first anime was either Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z. My first manga I think it was Card Capture Sakura
2: My Favorite manga...thats a tough one. I have so many I like. But I have to say...Bleach :)
3: Mangaka is manga artist right? Well its Arina Tanemura hands down!
4: Well lets start with most liked: Ummmm In personality I guess it would be Orihime but I think she's a little too cheerful for an example idk *shrugs*
as for who I wish I were like that would be ....dang all I'm coming up is a blank O___O think it over later
5.Fruit Basket or Case Closed!
6. Tough one but I have to say Grimmjow! ♥♥♥
7. Was there one? I really don't know...
8. I can think of several from western cartoons...but not from any manga or anime really *shrugs*
9. More Beauty and the Beast type of manga :) like human and anthro
10. Yumeira Patissierre
11. <<...>> Piccolo >/////<
12. Umm...I guess Sailor Moon. I still like it but I'm not really into it as I was before
13. To many to count...
14. Chobits
15.again to many to count
16. case closed? not licensed online I think
17. haven't came across on yet
18. Megure and Maoro from Gentleman Alliance's Cross
19. Gakeun Alice
20. Sakurahime Kaden
21. Superior
22. don't know any
23. thats a tough one but I'll nominate Dr. Miraki from Descendents of Darkness
24. case closed!
25. A Transparent World
26. Fairy Tale
27. hentai...
28. case closed!
29. Demon Detective something or other...
30. several openings and endings from Bleach, Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist
