I've been playing an online game called The End. Its a game of puzzles and philosophical questions. You create an avatar and the game starts when you die and go into the after life. You play the game by completing the levels in three different worlds the Body World, the Mind World and the Spirit World. There's like seven levels in each world. Through the game you answer questions and it draws out what kind of person you are like are you a mystic, a awakener, a truth teller and a crusader. For now I'm called a crusader. And they tell you what historical figure you are most like and it tells me I'm most like George Orwell. It changes depending on the answers you make.
I was having fun but when I got to level three it got really frustrating so I gave up. I guess I don't have much patience for video games :P
I bought my sister a trampoline. She's been wanting one for years. Mom and I both bought it and its all set up in the yard. I could have bought her own 3DS but now she's got a reason to go and I get to play the 3DS XD and sometimes I'll go out and play on the trampoline. Your never to old for a trampoline! 8D
I had my work schedule changed. I wanted my two day offs together I think it'll make it easier for me. So I'm working through the weekdays and on weekends are my day offs.
I heard kids were going back to school in July so that means summer vacation is a month long? I think its because we had so many snow days thats why summer vacation is so short. It might be just the schools around here.
OH OH. I commission one of my favorite artists to draw my OCs
This is it
Isn't she beautiful! This girl inspired me so much she got me into drawing and creating over weight OCs