
Today Nacht and I were in the laundry room sortng laundry when we heard a cat scream. We ran downstairs to see what the hell was going on and found Lyon hiding under the wardrobe, that always means Indiana (Nacht's cat) has been beating Lyon up. So Nacht and I went upstairs to continue sorting laundry. Lyon cam upstairs a few minutes later, Nacht picked him up and started petting him> Well Nacht ended up with a lot of blood on his hands, Lyon (who is dark gray with a little white) was covered in blood. After running downstairs to look for Indiana I glanced under the wardrobe and found pools of blood.
Finaly found Indiana in the furnace room on the pipes with tufts of Lyon's fur in her mouth and looking waaaayyy to pleased with herself.
Turns she bit poor Lyon on the tail so hard it bled. Just found the spot on his tail tonight. Lyon is doing fine now. Indiana is beyond happy with herself and Koko (my cat) thinks everyone is crazy.

Who would have thought that such a small bite would bleed so much. While cleaning up the blood off the stairs and floor I discovered that I have a small blood phobia. Nearly got sick *shudders*
