Karma will win

Well it would seem that all the problems with Rachel will be taken care of here very shortly. Since there have been a few other instances that she put my life in danger we were advised to call the police and talk to them. So we did.
And get this, the officer we talked knows Rachel very well. As in he almost arrested Rachel for stalking/harassing his daughter.
Another interesting thing? This officer is deathly allergic to almonds. AND he has a family relative who almost died from peanut allergy.
The officer had us write out everything Rachel has done that has put me in harms way (excluding Teens for Christ because that has to be taken care of with the paster in charge)
After he reviewed the statement, he told us that right now there is no criminal charges yet but it is borderline criminal charges right now. Meaning that if ONE LITTLE THING should happen to me there will be charges pressed against her.

Karma is a bitch isn't it?

I feel so much better now.

We are also having a meeting with Rachel, Dianna and Kent next week.
Oh yeah, did I mention Rachel will no longer be able to have ANY contact with me other than the dance recital in a couple of weeks and the meeting next week?
