DADALADA~ The first post~

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! XMAS! (or whatever holiday you celebrate around this time of the year) I'm so happy! I got Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword and Glee season two and an issue of OtakuUSA (should I sub to this magazine? It's awesome but I never sub to magazines...) And I got art supplies!! I got 8 markers that are like the pros use (cause I'm so boss) and they're awesome. Yeah I already used em. Really great actually. I usually never color in my drawings cause I suck but I had to try em out. Note to self: Practice makes PERFECT. Which is hard to do since I'm already perfect. :P (not)The picture I drew turned out really well, if I have time I'll put it up here.

That mag I said I got, it's amazing! I don't get stuff like that a lot cause my mother doesn't like "weird" and or "different" stuff. Well the lady's gonna have to deal with it cause I'm gonna be a mangaka when I ditch this place...hopefully...I sure ain't gonna live in my 'rents basement until I'm 45 and have 100 cats. hahaha I scared my mom today telling her that I would. Tehe~ Woah, I just went off track of what I was originally saying...anyways in that awesome mag (since I don't get out much) I saw an article on an anime called Fairy Tale. I am weak, I'm practically already obsessed and I haven't even seen the first episode =_= There was another one called Broken Blade that looks pretty cool too. So I'm gonna check these out. Riiiggghhhttt after I watch Glee. ;)

Since this is the first post I think it is only fair that I put something I find amusing on sense of humor is terribly I laugh at I'm super sadistic so I tend to laugh at others pain..even my own. BUT I will find something amusing that won't involve hurting anyone...this time. If you like the warriors series (You know the one about cats who live in the woods and hunt and fight and there are 4 clans and star clan and they talk to each other and when you explain this your friends who don't read the books they stare at you like you're crazy?) you'l probably like/get this.

