Blue Rose

Nero's personally designed long ranged weapon. The Blue Rose is a unique over under barrel style revolver, this design allows it to fire two magnum rounds with each pull of the trigger. Nero is the only member of the Order of the Sword allowed to wield a firearm such as the Blue Rose because they believe guns to be dishonorable.

Like Dante's own Ebony and Ivory the Blue Rose can be charged by Nero channeling energy from the Devil Bringer into the revolver. This charge ability has three charge levels each requiring more power to be channeled from Nero's demonic arm and is represented by the Devil Bringer glowing different colors.

When the Blue Rose is fired while Nero is in his Devil Trigger form Summoned Swords similar to Vergil's are created that spin around and into the enemy, charging up the shot creates multiple swords that spin around you until the shot is fired.
