Pink Car

This weeks K-ON was awesome, as usual. But thats not what I was going to talk about. Today I started to watch Phantom: Requiem For The Phantom, and its pretty good. I mean really, its about assassins so what's not to like? Well I guess death and gore and stuff...... whatever, so the main character Zwei doesn't remember anything about his life before being chased in a wherehouse in the middle of nowhere by a pretty assassin girl. I doubt is was intentional, but they totally stole the memory loss thing from the Bourne movies. So the pretty much the first thing you see is Zwei driving by a beach in a PINK CAR, really dude your an assassin that lacks feeling/cheerfulness and you drive a pink car? So he's driving to go shoot a mansion full of people, along with Ein (also known as Phantom or the assassin girl who was chasing him in the werehouse), who is already there and in a maid outfit!!!!!! So anyway she already shot the household of bodyguards, so she and Zwei go up to the helicopter pad where the master of the house just landed, (this is the part i wanted to get to) so Ein smiles really sweetly (she only ever has a blank expression) and welcomes Mr. Lives in this Mansion. Then Zwei pops up behind him and shoots the two body guards, (Eins blank expression has returned) and she takes out her gun too. The dude is all "You're-". Then Ein just says "Phantom" and shoots him.
So I just wanted to show how awesome Ein is......and ya.........
