My Profile

Name: Kiyoshi - wolf name / Tiger-Lily - Human name {She goes by Kiyoshi more though unless shes at school}

Nickname: Kiyo/ Tiger or Lily

Gender: Female

Animal: White wolf

Age: 16


Animal looks: White-ish blue fur, yellow eyes, black necklaces with a blue star.

Human looks: White-ish blue hair, tail and ears, yellow-gold eyes, black choker, bracelet and a black dress.

Personality: Loves music, happy-go-lucky, protective of family, friends and
animals, curious, can act like a 6 year old some times.


Wolf form

Human form white hair/Sanctus_Dei
/White Hair Anime/kiwako.jpg?o=50

Past: Was adopted by humans at age 4. After her adoptive parents died they left the house with their 17 year old twins Kenichi and Kyoko, 5 year old Tomoko and me Tiger-Lily which they all live in with the rest of the pack(you guys).

Pics of siblings: Kyoko (Mirror), Kenichi (strong, healthy first son) & Tomoko (child of wisdom, intellect)


Weapon: {We do have to defend our self's from... Tell you later} two hand daggers

Other: has two wolves that stay with her, Kaida - Little Dragon black wolf and
Kohana - Little flower Grey wolf.
