Let's get started!

- Kenichi -

It was barely midday, but there was already something strange going on. I stood on top of a tree, pointing an arrow at the empty space before me. The forest, the well. There was something odd about it, and I couldn't tell what it was...

Ayumi would be back soon, I thought, and I'd ask for her help. My sister came to visit sometimes, from the strange world that was the future. I'd never been there. I hadn't seen my parents since I was about three, but I didn't complain. I had a sort of family here - Zana, Sesshomaru - , and I had my friend Karin. I was happy, but seeing my parents around would have made me happier.

A sound broke my thoughts. Something was emerging from the well. Ayumi, I thought. Who else would it be? But no.

"What the--"

The thing that emerged was very much like a centipede that had fused with an alligator... a demon. And, clinging to it's back was...


Yes. Ayumi.

I started firing arrows madly at the creature and noticed Ayumi's eyes on me. "Don't just stay there! DO SOMETHING!" she yelled. The creature tossed her and charged... I heard a scream.

"DAMN!" Then I did jump from the tree and continued to fire arrows. Ayumi rolled away from the thing, there was a bite mark on her shoulder.

"Ayumi, don't move!" I yelled at her. But, she ignored me. I saw her mane of black hair and her silver streak flash past me, and in a flurry of blades and claws, the creature lay dead...

We weren't alone in the clearing. A blonde lady stood in front of the creature's dead body. Zana.

"You two need more training," she said, disapprovingly. Ayumi seemed to be about to respond... but she collapsed.

"Damn..." I muttered, and threw her over my shoulder. "Let's go to town!"I called to Zana, and she started off after me...


Yeah, this is all I got for now. Sorry, guys! D:
