Akane's Profile

Name: Akane
Age: 21
Species: Pure blooded demon
Physical appearance: Tall, muscularly toned, athletic build. Her skin is smooth and tanned. Bright blue eyes and silver hair.
Personality: If anyone knocks how she looks, at all, she becomes very angry and ruthless towards them. She takes great pride in her physical appearance. She trains and fights every day to keep her body in shape. She is fairly graceful and loves everyone and just always wants to help.
Background: She comes from a pure blooded clan of Minks. She is the youngest of four brothers. Her parents want her to marry another full blooded Minx demon, or a full blooded demon of some kind at the very least. However, Akane couldn't care less about full blooded, half blooded, or human. She wanted to marry for love. And that was what she was going to do. She traveled the world, and has since settled into a village where she found the men to be especially attractive and protects them. She is waiting for an adventure, something to get her on the road again as traveling is her true love.
Powers/Abilities: Typical demon abilities, has a sword she is quite skilled with. She also knows hand to hand combat very well. She has the ability to sing and put to sleep any who listen.
Weaknesses: Prideful when it comes to her beauty, doesn't like to sit back and watch the action- she usually jumps in without thinking.
Weapons: Her sword and hand to hand
Played by: DemonsandAngels
