Enter Kyoushu


I pulled the basket of fish that I had finally finished catching. My parents died when I was 15 so I’ve been living on my own since then. I didn’t want to be a burden to anyone in the village so I live on the outskirts of town in a small house. It’s a comfortable size for about two people but it lets me relax and practice on my sword skills and hopefully one day I can find the person or demon who set our house on fire that night and kill them.

I was about to my house when I saw two people quickly coming up to the village. “Kenichi?” I muttered to myself as I walked towards them and realized that it was Kenichi and he had his sister thrown over his shoulder and Zana was with him.

“Kenichi what happened?” I asked running up to him and Zana.

“Long story can you help us out a bit?” He asked.

“Yea sure, come on.” I motioned for them to follow me to my house.

When we got to my little house I quickly got the bandages that I had and was going to help but then Zana kicked Kenichi and me out of my house so she could address to Ayumi’s wounds.

“So what happened to her?” I asked as I leaned against my house.

“As Ayumi was coming out of the well she was being attacked by a demon.” He sighed.

“So she was being reckless again.” I said looking at him.

“Obviously, sometimes I don’t know what to do with her.” He laughed lightly.

“Your protective of your sister and that’s what’s important.” I mentioned.

I was kind of jealous of that. Kenichi had family and people who were really close to him. I wish I had that again. After the fire I’ve always shut people out. I guess it doesn’t help with me wanting to be a demon slayer.

“You both can come in, I am finished.” Zana told us.

I pushed myself off the side of my house and made my way back into my house with Kenichi right behind me. Ayumi was sleeping soundly now. “If you want we can move her into my room so that way it will be easier for everyone to relax a bit. You three are more then welcome to stay if you would like. I know that my house is small, but you’re my friends.” I stated waiting for their reply.

Okay I hope that this helps a bit. I want to get this place going again. I hope that I got your characters right aura.
