Welcome to my humble world! I am a banana in a fruitbasket and I only thought it appropriate to name my world so. I do not log on here often but whenever I do it's almost guranteed that I have new artwork to upload. Oh so exciting!
Now this world will be for my randomness or when I have something important to say. But mostly for my randomness, because remember I'm a fruit. Now I bid you good day sir/ma'am. Unless you would like to join me for some delicious tea?

Other forms of contact~
Facebook: Use my e-mail to look me up.
I've decided I'm gonna drop theOtaku, maybe I'll check in every now and then but for the most part I'm gonna be pretty non-existant here.
I have a LOT of other ways you can contact me or keep following my progress if you really want to. I'll post them here in case the links disappear in my bio area at the top of the page.
Facebook: Use my e-mail to look me up.
These are all my other forms of contact. So if you want to keep in touch, just do it through any of these. :]
See ya guys (hopefully) later! ^_^
Alright so it's the new year! I need to do a lot more work now, so I can improve and whatnot. So expect a lot more work in the near future! :]
It's gonna be awesome~
Happy new year everyone!

So, I'm keeping my word on the artwork! I have submitted two works already. I'm pretty proud of my Demon Kamijo work. I compared it to the original I had done years back, and my god I have improved so much! I didn't realize just how much. It makes me very happy!
Anywho, look forward to more!
I have currently been inspired. This feeling is so rare in my life, I only get it for a while and then it's gone. I have never actually succeeded in getting anything done while I've had this feeling, which is a waste. I will try and get some things done, I will try and get drawings submitted. No, actually, I WILL!
I can't tell myself maybe, I have to start telling myself I will. I think that's the only way I'll actually push myself and get stuff done. So expect to see some things from me. If not then please, be brutal.
Thank you.
Beneath the night sky, we each said our goodbyes. Our furry friend was gone too soon, taken from us. But now we leave her in mother natures hands, let the tree hug her and keep her safe for us. I leave her with you now, please take care of her.
R.I.P Maya