A world to put pictures in. What else would you put in a Gallery anyways?
I know, I post too much Vincent. Is there really such a thing though, as TOO MUCH Vincent? Didn't think so.
Life: 08/14/12 | By: Kasbaarg | 1 comment | Abara | Tags: N/A
Commission of Kas~
by RoUgEmIe on dA
Life: 07/19/12 | By: Kasbaarg | 1 comment | Tags: N/A
When I first saw this picture I was like 'Why is Alucard in this???' Then I realized it's just the light from Vinnie's eyes making it look like a big red hat .__.
Life: 06/11/12 | By: Kasbaarg | 7 comments | Final Fantasy VII | Tags: N/A
from zetsuai89 on dA
Life: 06/05/12 | By: Kasbaarg | 1 comment | Tags: N/A
from slouph on dA
Life: 05/19/12 | By: Kasbaarg | 0 comments | Vampire Knight | Tags: N/A