Hello there, Otaku!!!

Welcome to TheGuardianAngels News room! Incase you haven't noticed, or never knew, we're actually already a part of TheOtaku!!! *clap, clap, clap* Tan-ta-ta-tan!

It's TheDarkAngel, Fai no Tenshi, and ShrimpyAlchemist!

Other names we go by are:
TheDarkAngel: Yosei, Dark, Yo, Yoh, Ha-san, TDA, Daisuke, Tobi (the last two are courtesy of good friends here at TheO... they do not signify my favorite characters of any particular series n_n Ha-san is courtesy of DevilAngle315)

Fai no Tenshi: Angelo, Ang, Fai, Momiji-kun (the last is courtesy of DevilAngle315 ^_^)

ShrimpyAlchemist: Niko, Shrimpy, SA, mitcchi (courtesy of TheDarkAngel)

Now, you all may be wondering, "While the hell did they come up with a new account? What's wrong with the other three?!"

Well, to answer that question, we pose a new one, "Why not?"
See, we all have our own accounts here at TheOtaku.com (go check 'em out!) but, recently we've been doing a lot of work together. So, we thought, "Why not? Why not make an account for all three of us to share that's separate from all the others?" And so, we did.

Hope that's alright! For now, check out our manga and artworks!!!

Well, hope to see you guys often! And we'll surely see you around the chat! >_~
Stay Otaku!!!


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