First off, you should go visit my girlfriend Ai's world. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable girl EVAR. I will assassinate those who dare oppose me!! I'm NOBLE, the one who constantly updates rants about shizz, basically all the time! This is my world, my HOME. I am letting all of you into my HOME so be flucking careful with my shizz! ):<

Ok, so now that I'm done being a freaking moron, huhuh, I'll begin. :B So I'm going to be updating stuff on here whenever I feel like it, and maybe people will just care enough to stop by. If you stop by.. I DEMAND THAT YOU COMMENT! I hate seeing when people visit the worlds and they don't comment.
(Seriously. I will go coockoo-ca-choo-on-you. You don't want that.)
I'm a pretty decent guy I think. Some people might not really like me, I'm someone who LOVES to talk and I will talk about ANYTHING, if there isn't anything to talk about then I will COMPLAIN and if there isn't something to stop me from complaining I will get ANGRY at being BORED and will FLIP OUT. :B I have my up and down days, I'm pretty annoying after a while, and I like to cuss and be violent. j/k, I am the BEST EVER. Seriously, I'm so badass.. It's insane.

Do whatever you like here, just make sure you comment, I love comments. When you comment, comment about the post, not just random things, that's what Messaging is for!! If you don't follow those rules then I will hunt you the fluck down. Say what you want to say, I don't care what it is. Speak your mind I won't censor you or anything. You got something to say to me than just flucking say it! lmfao. later


External Image

External Image

~Noble, BiAtch ;P


I'm running away for a while, shhhhhhh... Don't tell

Emo Rant ~Ignore~

I don't like college. The people are dicks. I didn't really ever have much of a bully problem in high school.. They're so hostile here. D; They call me names most of the time they see me, push me around, and mess with my shizz.. I can't take it anymore! DX It's mainly a few asshole jocks, too.. I'm glad the semester's over..

Picture trade *changed

Okay.. doing a picture trade off with Nicky, hahaha.. I look like a douche-bag. >__> huhuhuh

There you are. Extreme douche-baggery. I remind myself of Green Day with these clothes on, lmfao.
How's that? I'm with my friend here taking a silly picture. XB I think you can see my eye good enough, right?? Huhuhuh

Noble has the sad

I watched some horror show on tv.. Now I can't fall asleep because I keep dreaming about dead fetus babies that start crying and screaming with razor sharp teeth when I get near them.. D; ZOMBIE FETUS. Huhuh, I have screwed up dreams, yo.
Well, long story short, I'm gunna stay up all night posting quizzes and eating ice cream. huhuh... yeaaa, I'm a winner XD
If anybody wants to talk with me, I think I'll be on... lol.

Hey Therr!

You all still remember about sweet ol' Noble? Xp Lmao, I doubt it!! How has everyone been doing?! I've been pretty greeeeeeeaaaaaat.. Huhuh.. I got me some new style~ I have these badass contacts and I dyed my hair partly red. :B It looks pretty awesome when I spike it, yo! XD It's gotten me quite a bit of attention, actually... lol... 'course, some people freak out when they see that Noble be coming.. Yeaaaahh, I'm so badass... *Gets shot* Classes have been good, kind of tough, though. :S I think I have a 'D' somewhere.. I WILL BRING THAT UP BEFORE THE SEMESTER ENDS. *Warrior mode* Tchyea. I have the whole week off for Thanksgiving and I'm going to be a mouse potato the whole time. :B I will TOTALLY neglect personal hygiene and everything, so you all must feel special! ~Noble WILL bathe and continue with personal hygiene while on computer. Noble doesn't obsess over everyone THAT much~ There's actually a local metal concert in a few days that I'm planning on going to. There's gonna be moshing and everythang! Last time I went to one, I got pushed and fell, but some huge dude picked me up like nothing.. XD I was like.. Shiiiiiiizzzzzz, hahaha. It was fun though, and I know some of the band members that play :B So I'd be like.. HEY JUNIOR! and wave all retarded as they go up to play.. huhuh.. we be tight like that, yo. >_> Anywho, WAZZAP?! What have you all been doing while Noble's been living the college life with his badass new look? XD I'm such a rebel.. I sent some PM's last time I was on, but nobody ever responded to them. Huhuh. I forgive you though because my fat arse is eating delicious pancakes and feels loving right now. ;D

(Going for chinese! Be back later!)


Just got back from Chinese, haha.. My parents took forever because they got lost. In other news... AGHHHHHHH DX My finger is acting weird!!! For some reason, it's swelling a little bit, and it feels super hot.. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO IT!!! I'M GOING TO DIE!!! AGHHHHHHHHH!!! DX *Dies*

ANOTHER UPDATE: My house is flucking haunted. T^T I SWEAR. A pen just threw itself at me!!! DX OMFZJ. My energy field must be so powerful, it's creating a poltergeist effect.. 8D ~Is proud of myself~ lmfao, yeaaaahhh