First off, you should go visit my girlfriend Ai's world. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable girl EVAR. I will assassinate those who dare oppose me!! I'm NOBLE, the one who constantly updates rants about shizz, basically all the time! This is my world, my HOME. I am letting all of you into my HOME so be flucking careful with my shizz! ):<
Ok, so now that I'm done being a freaking moron, huhuh, I'll begin. :B So I'm going to be updating stuff on here whenever I feel like it, and maybe people will just care enough to stop by. If you stop by.. I DEMAND THAT YOU COMMENT! I hate seeing when people visit the worlds and they don't comment.
(Seriously. I will go coockoo-ca-choo-on-you. You don't want that.)
I'm a pretty decent guy I think. Some people might not really like me, I'm someone who LOVES to talk and I will talk about ANYTHING, if there isn't anything to talk about then I will COMPLAIN and if there isn't something to stop me from complaining I will get ANGRY at being BORED and will FLIP OUT. :B I have my up and down days, I'm pretty annoying after a while, and I like to cuss and be violent. j/k, I am the BEST EVER. Seriously, I'm so badass.. It's insane.
Do whatever you like here, just make sure you comment, I love comments. When you comment, comment about the post, not just random things, that's what Messaging is for!! If you don't follow those rules then I will hunt you the fluck down. Say what you want to say, I don't care what it is. Speak your mind I won't censor you or anything. You got something to say to me than just flucking say it! lmfao. later

~Noble, BiAtch ;P
I've been really sleepy all week, and I've been crashing a lot. I hate being so sleepy ):< Anyway, I went to a presentation today and it was interesting and everything but... I got kicked out twenty minutes into it, The lady presenting told me to leave and to go sleep. That's BS. DX I WASN'T ASLEEP. I had my eyes closed for a little while but I was listening to what she was saying. I should have recapped what she was talking about to prove it, but she was like Oh, you. Get out, go sleep. Then I said But I'm not sleeping. She said, well it looks like you are so go. So I just got up and left. People tell me I look really tired and sound tired too. Maybe I SHOULD get some sleep. :B I saw that lady after she was done and yelled out that I wasn't sleeping but she freaking ignored me... A friend of mine offered to buy me a Monster later to see if it'll help, too. huhuhuh, shweeeeeet~ I can now officially say I made out with a tree by the way XD In the process I kicked some other guy in the nuts when he tried doing the same thing to MY freaking tree!! It was caught in a picture, but I have to beg the girl who took it to let me have it, huhuhuh it's hilarious. Maybe once I have the picture I'll post it here so that you can all see me getting freaky with a tree.
I took a couple of quizzes while I was bored, but I'm not going to post them until later because I'm lazy like that. I get to go on a road trip with some friends of my choice in an hour. We're going to be gone the rest of the day and get back LATE. :B We're going to be having us some fun.
Darn.. I'm trying to remember what else was happening during the couple days I didn't post, but my mind's kind of foggy right now so I can't think.. >__< I know, when I remember something, I'll write it on my arm with sharpie so that I don't forget to post when I get back here! :B lmfao, problem solved!
~~Alright, so this is an update! I just got back from my road trip whooooo~ Yeaaaahh~ It was the shizz, I went with my lover, secret lover, and crybaby. lmfao, in other words I went with Zeek, Razz, and Ian. I had a blast.. I just wish I could have taken my tree lover with me. *Sadface* huhuh. Maybe with any luck I'll be able to find some of it's nuts to hold on to next time... XD ~Is killed with bricks~ Trying to be funny! But I'm pretty tired and I'm going to talk more about it tomorrow when I'm not so sleepy and make more sense. By the way, I'm also uploading the picture tomorrow at some point, but I look soooooo stupid in it. My tongue is like, going at the tree and my leg's all up on it... lmfao, it looks like I almost WAS getting freaky with it. XD You also see the guy who's crotch I killed with my foot. You can also see the starting expression of pain on his face before the full blow hit him and he fell down clutching himself. *Slaps self* I didn't MEAN to hit the guy, he seriously just got in the way of my tree humping. >__>' huhuh.. Soooo, I'm going to go to sleep now, I'm going to respond to whatever stuff tomorrow when I get on and I'll be all up into it, I swear! I think I'll be on most of the day
Later peeps, g'night and talk to you all tomorrow!~~


Dang, I'll never look at ducks the same way again. You go mamma duck.
I'm not in that bad of a mood, I just put that as the title. :B I didn't do anything today. Last night I didn' t sleep until really late or you could say kind of early. lmfao, I stayed up until six. I had to wake up a couple of hours later though which totally BITES. >:( I woke up sore all over too, so each move was PAIN. huh. I was soooo sleepy, when I went out to the park with my bro. to do some exercise he ditched me because I fell asleep on some bleachers.
I woke up a few minutes later, alone. XD ~Scowl~ I'm doing better now. I still feel stupefied from lack of sleep though. ZzZzZzZz... ~Pops my own sleep bubble~ HI! .__O huhuh. So, I'm going to get a haircut/trim in a wek or two, nothing big.. I'll just have my hair snipped a little. 
SKITTLES ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD. AGHHHHH. Oh, and I finished reading and looking at all of the walmart stuff yesterday D': I'm in withdrawal now Z, I hope your happy. lmfao

....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *Dies from laughter of those pictures* X__X huhuhuh
hilarious. who the heck would ever make the wolverine blow-up thing there? X'D And don't you just love comics that are taken out of context? 
First of all: AGGGHHHHH!!!! Damn fluck^10 DX I was writing a LONG post but it was just ERASED before I posted. AGHHHHHHH. I'll just start from the beginning.. again ~sobs~
Soooo, Happy Easter to you guys! Last night I stayed up until about three huhuh, I BLAME YOU Z. jk, I really do like the walmart site though, it's funny as hell. I have to go through all of the pages though. I HAVE TO. (I'm on pg. 153 on photos, huhuh.) My parents were having a fight this morning, it was really funny. My dad kept going out to the store for every little thing. So when he got home and said he forgot to go buy candy my mom called him a prostitute. XD My dad was WHAT?! Why could you say that?! and my mom said that because he keeps going out every few minutes. My dad threw a plastic Easter egg at her, huhuhuh
Once again, I've been eating a lot. Ugh.. I had eggs and some soup for breakfast, then the family went to an Easter party where I got me a corn-on-the-cob and a plate full of delicious starwberries and cream. Hellz yeah. There was this one weird guy who was doing some preaching or something and threw water D': Some of it got into my eyes!! Hopefully that water isn't defective or anything. wtf did he do that for? He wasn't from the party either, he was the person from freakin' next door.
Oh.. and sadly, we` gave away our dog Maddie to some lady that really seemed to like her.. but GUESS WHAT?! We got another dog. Her name is Daisy. The people that gave her to us were nice enough to give us the heads up that she is indeed, also pregnant. wtf, lmfao. XD We just got through a pregnant dog, seriously. Daisy is a Dachshund, aka a weiner dog! When her pups are born I'm sooooo going to name one of them Schnitzel fo'sho, because I'm a badass mo'fo 
There's family over again, yay... ~Totally uninthusiastic about it~
I was left in charge of my five year old cousin for a while (The one that elbowed my crotch), and I think I already flucked up. o_O Ahem, the problem is that I'm just chilling in my room and letting her do whatever and well, she sort of found my friend's book. Yeah. It's a drawing book she let me borrow, a human anatomy drawing book! (Between you and me, I don't draw but the models and their poses are awesome. X'D) lmfao, so my little cousin found that book and looked inside of it before I could take it from her. Xp Now she's whining that she wants to see the 'Nakey' people again, greatttttt. So I snatch it from her again and I'm holding it in the air and she's staring before I remember there's a nude on the back cover of the book too. So now she's laughing saying Hahaha, I saw. Omfg, the drawing anatomy book is like educational porn XD Interesting to read, but more fun to look at. My earphones broke yesterday so I need to buy a new pair soon. Have a great day you guys

So I went to the movies and whatever, it was a pretty good movie, it intertained me and now I want a Dragon. I'll name my Dragon Junior, huhuh.
I was reading the walmart thing link you gave me Z, it was pretty funny XD It had my attention for a long time, so I didn't notice when there were more comments on my thing.. But then I DID notice and commented something about YOU ALL HAVING A CONVERSATION WITHOUT ME, but the comment was completely ignored, so I felt hurt.
lmfao. If my opinion matters anything at all, I love cowboys because they're the best ever. Vampires are cool too, so are pirates and ninjas and everything. I'm willing to go into character for any of those. BUT COWBOYS ARE TOPS. huhuh So once again, thanks for ignoring me :B Still having fun reading you guys' conversation in action and all
~Rejected and Dejected~

Yesterday was fun. Mainly just played the dare game and surfed the web. Most noted dares: Sugar eating. We dared Razz to eat spoon fulls of sugar and he actually DID IT. He was sooo twitchy and paranoid after that though, lmfao XD He crashed and went out like a light. Zeek had to eat a box full of prunes ~He also did~ but he didn't get sick or anything, so no fun it that! I love playing dare games, they're awesome. Almost as awesome as twister.
Sooo.. I decided I'm in a cowboy mood today, so I have a bandanna on and some boots.
Giddy-up cowboy, lmfao. I get into those phases sometimes.. where I just want to be a cowboy for a while. Or a sailor/pirate. or a cop. Mostly cowboy though because we all know cowboys are hawsome to the max. Even though sailors, pirates and cops are also to be ogled upon. 8) But I'm going to grow up and be me a cowboy, yessir.. Get me a ranch and rope me a bull by the horns. XD Woke up kind of late and disoriented, I went to sleep at about four or five last night and when they woke me up I was all Whaa? hatrd fgiv hgvmh!!!~intangible language~
I'm going to the movies with a friend of mine at around six or seven tonight, my buds left this morning after all of the hot sweaty fun from last night. Xp (Hot and sweaty not meaning anything good, huhuh.. It was just hot and sweaty.) But yeah... going to watch How To Train Your Dragon! I didn't choose the movie, but I wanted to go watch that one anyway~ Maybe I'll buy one of those wooden horse things and ride my horse to the movie theater. Yeehaw. Darn.. I wish I could find my cowboy hat D': Then it'd be perfect. My bro is a turd, he just said I look like a gay bandit.. Well my bandanna IS pleasantly colorful <3
lmfao, still, that mo'fo is going to get himself lassoed and branded with a NOBLE WUZ HERR on his forehead fo'sho~ Now I'm hungry

I can has cheesburger?! I has happy nao and I not hungy no more. :B

Omfg, what will they think of next? This must be some smart rock

I would soooo apply to that place if I knew where it was.

Do it. O__O
You know you want to.
~Sad face~