First off, you should go visit my girlfriend Ai's world. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable girl EVAR. I will assassinate those who dare oppose me!! I'm NOBLE, the one who constantly updates rants about shizz, basically all the time! This is my world, my HOME. I am letting all of you into my HOME so be flucking careful with my shizz! ):<

Ok, so now that I'm done being a freaking moron, huhuh, I'll begin. :B So I'm going to be updating stuff on here whenever I feel like it, and maybe people will just care enough to stop by. If you stop by.. I DEMAND THAT YOU COMMENT! I hate seeing when people visit the worlds and they don't comment.
(Seriously. I will go coockoo-ca-choo-on-you. You don't want that.)
I'm a pretty decent guy I think. Some people might not really like me, I'm someone who LOVES to talk and I will talk about ANYTHING, if there isn't anything to talk about then I will COMPLAIN and if there isn't something to stop me from complaining I will get ANGRY at being BORED and will FLIP OUT. :B I have my up and down days, I'm pretty annoying after a while, and I like to cuss and be violent. j/k, I am the BEST EVER. Seriously, I'm so badass.. It's insane.

Do whatever you like here, just make sure you comment, I love comments. When you comment, comment about the post, not just random things, that's what Messaging is for!! If you don't follow those rules then I will hunt you the fluck down. Say what you want to say, I don't care what it is. Speak your mind I won't censor you or anything. You got something to say to me than just flucking say it! lmfao. later


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~Noble, BiAtch ;P

Soooo bored

I'm really bored ): The peeps are just about sleeping, and all I'm doing is listening to my stomach growl for the past few minutes.. Noble is hungry. I've been looking at a website though, it's got these funny as hell pictures I'm going to be posting up along with my posts from now on. :B huhuh

(By the way Z, 9:30 wasn't my curfew, my dad just wanted to use the computer. >:P huhuh)

Oh, and I ate something too, so Noble isn't hungry anymore. <3 Huzzah

OMFG, I'm going to be killed

I'm starting to freak out here. O_O I wanted to change the bed positions, right? The thing is that when I was moving the bed, I lost control of it and part of it crashed into the window D': I HAVE A BROKEN WINDOW NOW. Omfg, when my parents find out, they're going to slaughter me, chop me up into bits, burn them, laugh and spit at them, then dump my remains into the garbage disposal. huhuh.. I think that the money to fix it is probably going to come out of my allowance. *sobs* Not only that, but earlier my mom found a little liquor bottle and accused me of having it. ):< For her information, it's my brother's Xp Not mine. My buddies are still here. We're all bored. At least I was able to sleep last night. :B We ended up just tossing the blankets off altogether and I slept au naturel~ ;D huhuh (i wish. I still had to have some boxers on unfortunately. My crotch suffered the heat) Soooo yeah~ Bored. We're going to play stupid games like truth and dare, only without the truth portion 8D Then we'll do some other fun stuff. If my parent's don't get too mad at me over the broken window, then we'll do even more junk at night. Bwahaha. If they DO get mad, I'm going to have to runaway and stay with a friend of mine until it blows over..

They haven't found out about the window so far.. I have to work up my nerve to tell them. Maybe I could make up some story about a kid with a baseball! YEAH! That'll never work. Went to the store a while ago, we went to buy some stuff to make dinner. We need game suggestions or SOMETHING! I know, suggest some dares at least!!!

I remember a dream I had last night. I was swimming around, then I was eaten by a whale. I lived inside of it during the rest of my dream, lmfao :B Just wanted to let you guys know that. I think it MIGHT be because of the heat. HUZZAH! My parents don't really care about the window! :'D I'm sooooooo relieved *dies* I ate too much, way too fast again. ~story of my life~ We jumped around on Zeek's trampoline and had a freaking blast, but I almost fell off and killed myself like ten times I think XD But we're back at my house, just fighting with each other. (for fun) I really want to just go DO something because I'm getting restless again D:< I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!


Hot and Sticky

That's how it feels. Down to shorts and shirts now XD Maybe with any luck, we'll strip off the rest, lmfao jk. There was some freaking payback! When my bro was doing sit-ups, and his girlfriend was still here, she sat on his back and he said Damn you're fat.. and she was insulted, so she got up and started just kicking at him until he yelled out he was sorry. Huhuhuh, it was hilarious to watch XD But the show's over now, and I'm bored. I think the other two are bored too. I'd suggest twister, but it's too HOT for that kind of bodily contact~ Maybe we should jog around outside in the n00d XD That sure will cool us off, and entertain me for a good long while..
My brain is melting, I can just feel it. One of my friends just said if we need him, he'll be in the fridge, lmfao. To think, the forecast for tomorrow is supposed to be in the nineties D: I'm soooo happy that there's no school tomorrow, or else I might've had to be in the glaring heat of the sun during gym hour again. I'm seriously thinking of Stripping. DX I might keep something on just so that I don't make the peeps leave, but as soon as they go to sleep 8D heheheh, the rest come off. lmfao I love my humor. ~Is so not joking~
OMG. I just had the best freaking idea EVER. Water balloons~ Fluck yes. I will search the entire house for some balloons if I have to.

I can't find any.. I guess it's time to bring out some ice cubes at least. Maybe twister won't be so bad after that! Sooooo bored. Stupid make up felt weird and was making me hotter >__> So I washed it all off now, huhuh. It wasn't so bad though, It made me feel pretty. LMFAO That's a funny one, I said that out loud and got a snort in response ._O

We all agreed that it's too hot to sleep.. and almost too hot to move. Somebody shoot me and put me out of my misery.. or at least spray me with a freaking hose.. I'm going to go hit my head against the wall now until i pass out from a concussion huh

(I honestly think it helps to write down COMMENT every time.)

HUZZAH!! The Otaku's back to normal! :B

Happy April Fool's Day ~Continued~

I'm going to do stuff to people. Breakfast time failed though. I just announced I'm gay. lmfao, the family didn't even do anything. My bro just said that they all know that already. ~Backfired~ I was expecting something like that, I guess. AGH, last night was so hot, I was sweatng in my freakin' Pj's and blanets. I'll make sure not to wear nything tonight. lmfao, my buds are staying over again tonight and tomorrow :B That always gets me in a good mood! Huhuh, if it's hot again tonight I swear that I'm going to act soooo gay with them. 8D I'll suggest we all just sleep nekkid~! I won't say anymore for all you innocents out there, I'm polluting your mind at this point. I still feel bad for burning up one of Zeek's pans last time. But hey, during breakfast today I was being more airheaded than usual and just put my hand around the hot stove. OWW.. that shizz flucking BURNED. huhuh. I was just yelled at to shut up *Shot* Soooo.. I'm at school. Tada. I wanted to skip, but I didn't because of it being April 1st, whooo~ yeahhh~ No skippng~ I'm not going to do anything in class, I just want to goof around with my peeps.

Where is everyone? I'm lonely..

It's torture I tell you. D: I thought I'd be able to get away with things, but I CAN'T. was tricked at school when somebody convinced me that there really IS school tomorrow, so I was freaking out (There is no school, lol)
At home... Oh bejebuz. I drank some milk and it ended up spilling all over me because my bro put holes in what I was drinking from. When I was taking my shower, the shampoo I was using was rigged too, it had glue mixed into it, and then we had a load of people over. My bro's girlfriend was there, my sister's boyfriend, and relatives from my mom and dad's side. My bro was like, Noble we all have guests here except for you! Oh, I wanted to shove that DSI of his up his.. mouthhole. so bad >_> I was triked then too, I was being bored and my mom called me down. Long story short, my mom and the rest of the women forced me to get a makeover I swear, I was humiliated..I was able to escape when somebody was trying to pluck my freaking eyebrows D:< (That shizz HURTS. OWW, wtf) But as I was running away, I ran into a little kid and she elbowed my crotch. *cries* I went into my room and didn't go back out...
Anyway~ all of the evil people are gone and my friends are here! C: We're eating ICE CREAM. It's hot out. Noble doesn't do well under heat I'm afraid.. Weird things happen. Whooo~ Party with my friends! YEAHH~ All night loooonggg~! 8D



Dying on the inside

I was thinking about things and made myself feel bad. I have a headache and I can't sleep -__- Sadness

Well, I susrvived the night with cookies and strawberries. I feel better now. Anyway, Tomorrow is April Fool's day huhuh :B Pulling pranks on people is fun and I enjoy that day. Even though April Fool's day is total all out war with my bro. I swear that he's going to get it tomorrow

ugh... I think I finally ate food that's making me sick to my stomach.. *Dies* Damn you cheese dip! DX I need something fresh to eat.. Like some more strawberries.. and oranges. Yum. Some orange juice will be good too