I'm eating cereal, not listening to anything right now. *Sniffles* My nose feels stuffed up. Apparently I can make myself sound like Flapjack! huhuhuh. It's because I was in study hall and went up to a pal of mine in there. For no reason I squished up my cheeks and sad I'm bored, she like flipped out telling me I sound like flapjack. dudududududududududud I forget what I was going to write aghhhhhh *Hits head* I'll update again when I remember, so KEEP TUNED.
OMG we have chocolate cheerios. D8
lmfao, I got a question if it isn't too much to ask, am I kind of rough around the edges? Like, do I come off as a harsh person or something? I asked that to my buddy during study hall. I asked that to him because well.. I was in another class, right? And I was checking participation points for the class and noticed that this one guy Anthony was the only one with more points than me BY TWO. (I'm a NERD and a teacher's pet. ok? Xp huhuh) so I went over to him when he was talking to someone and just told him to shut up. He said ok and actually STOPPED talking. So I'm like.. wtf, I just kidding for the participation points, you got more than me! So then he says Oh! I thought you just wanted me to stop talking in general. o_o Nah, lol.
ANYWAY, I asked my friend the question, right? I made someone laugh because of the way I asked it. It was dead silent and I just asked him outloud if he thinks I'm too rough, lmfao :B He said ...Depends on what way. So we just started being stupid and shizz like that huhuhuh But I didn't really get an answer from him, and at the lunch table the peeps would only tell me that I get a little 'over excited', wtf is that supposed to mean? lol. *Hits my head* what else, what else.. Hmm... Oh, my friend told me this funny thing her bro did. They were in art class and were bored so he just looked around the room to his buddy just bouncing around on a chair and he started laughing like a dumbass huhuh XD His friend stopped doing that and yelled out that he was nasty. I went bowling again, this time AFTER school XP I swear, this one guy just like RAMMED into me when I was putting away the bowling shoes and made me hit against the wall >:( I don't even know who that jerk was! I think that my brother and I are like.. completely insufficient in brain cells. I was walking around and Honor was just following around snickering. Later, my sis just points out and is like ...Noble, why is there a balloon attached to your butt?
My brother is ALWAYS doing that! One day, I'm just going to get him back. maybe I'll put shaving cream on his hand tonight and make him slap himself, lmfao Now I got me a baby spoon and some yogurt. OMG I just tripped on a pillow. Now where did my granola sprinkles go?!?! Ok, they're in my hand :B I'm a loser