I'm starting to freak out here. O_O I wanted to change the bed positions, right? The thing is that when I was moving the bed, I lost control of it and part of it crashed into the window D': I HAVE A BROKEN WINDOW NOW. Omfg, when my parents find out, they're going to slaughter me, chop me up into bits, burn them, laugh and spit at them, then dump my remains into the garbage disposal. huhuh.. I think that the money to fix it is probably going to come out of my allowance. *sobs* Not only that, but earlier my mom found a little liquor bottle and accused me of having it. ):< For her information, it's my brother's Xp Not mine. My buddies are still here. We're all bored. At least I was able to sleep last night. :B We ended up just tossing the blankets off altogether and I slept au naturel~ ;D huhuh (i wish. I still had to have some boxers on unfortunately. My crotch suffered the heat) Soooo yeah~ Bored. We're going to play stupid games like truth and dare, only without the truth portion 8D Then we'll do some other fun stuff. If my parent's don't get too mad at me over the broken window, then we'll do even more junk at night. Bwahaha. If they DO get mad, I'm going to have to runaway and stay with a friend of mine until it blows over..
They haven't found out about the window so far.. I have to work up my nerve to tell them. Maybe I could make up some story about a kid with a baseball! YEAH! ...no.. That'll never work. Went to the store a while ago, we went to buy some stuff to make dinner. We need game suggestions or SOMETHING! I know, suggest some dares at least!!!
I remember a dream I had last night. I was swimming around, then I was eaten by a whale. I lived inside of it during the rest of my dream, lmfao :B Just wanted to let you guys know that. I think it MIGHT be because of the heat. HUZZAH! My parents don't really care about the window! :'D I'm sooooooo relieved *dies* I ate too much, way too fast again. ~story of my life~ We jumped around on Zeek's trampoline and had a freaking blast, but I almost fell off and killed myself like ten times I think XD But we're back at my house, just fighting with each other. (for fun) I really want to just go DO something because I'm getting restless again D:< I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!