Happy Egg-laying-Rabbit day

First of all: AGGGHHHHH!!!! Damn fluck^10 DX I was writing a LONG post but it was just ERASED before I posted. AGHHHHHHH. I'll just start from the beginning.. again ~sobs~

Soooo, Happy Easter to you guys! Last night I stayed up until about three huhuh, I BLAME YOU Z. jk, I really do like the walmart site though, it's funny as hell. I have to go through all of the pages though. I HAVE TO. (I'm on pg. 153 on photos, huhuh.) My parents were having a fight this morning, it was really funny. My dad kept going out to the store for every little thing. So when he got home and said he forgot to go buy candy my mom called him a prostitute. XD My dad was WHAT?! Why could you say that?! and my mom said that because he keeps going out every few minutes. My dad threw a plastic Easter egg at her, huhuhuh
Once again, I've been eating a lot. Ugh.. I had eggs and some soup for breakfast, then the family went to an Easter party where I got me a corn-on-the-cob and a plate full of delicious starwberries and cream. Hellz yeah. There was this one weird guy who was doing some preaching or something and threw water D': Some of it got into my eyes!! Hopefully that water isn't defective or anything. wtf did he do that for? He wasn't from the party either, he was the person from freakin' next door.
Oh.. and sadly, we` gave away our dog Maddie to some lady that really seemed to like her.. but GUESS WHAT?! We got another dog. Her name is Daisy. The people that gave her to us were nice enough to give us the heads up that she is indeed, also pregnant. wtf, lmfao. XD We just got through a pregnant dog, seriously. Daisy is a Dachshund, aka a weiner dog! When her pups are born I'm sooooo going to name one of them Schnitzel fo'sho, because I'm a badass mo'fo
There's family over again, yay... ~Totally uninthusiastic about it~
I was left in charge of my five year old cousin for a while (The one that elbowed my crotch), and I think I already flucked up. o_O Ahem, the problem is that I'm just chilling in my room and letting her do whatever and well, she sort of found my friend's book. Yeah. It's a drawing book she let me borrow, a human anatomy drawing book! (Between you and me, I don't draw but the models and their poses are awesome. X'D) lmfao, so my little cousin found that book and looked inside of it before I could take it from her. Xp Now she's whining that she wants to see the 'Nakey' people again, greatttttt. So I snatch it from her again and I'm holding it in the air and she's staring before I remember there's a nude on the back cover of the book too. So now she's laughing saying Hahaha, I saw. Omfg, the drawing anatomy book is like educational porn XD Interesting to read, but more fun to look at. My earphones broke yesterday so I need to buy a new pair soon. Have a great day you guys


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