Okay, so I'm just going to start off by saying that I'm going to talk A LOT in this post, because I'm going to be talking about what's been going on with my life in the past few days. huhuh :B I've been carrying a pen and paper all freaking day. I jotted down anything I thought would be good to mention in the post.. At some point, I lost my pen and the only other thing I could find to write with was my eyeliner.. yikes, I wondered why the pencil was writing funny! 8D A couple of days ago my foot was officially NOT broken anymore, huzzah! Although the first couple of steps I took on it were a shock to my foot, by the end of that day I was jumping around again. I got some HUGE packet from somebody to study for a big test that we have when school starts again.. That pissed me off soooo bad. We were in spring break the whole week, and the girl finally decided to give me my study packet on a Thursday. >:( I trimmed my own hair, too. My mom hates it, I think it looks cool... I just fixed the front, I think that I'll probably still need to get an 'official' hair cut thing in like a month now. >__> Pssh, Whateva'. There was this one girl that talked to me asking if I knew where a store was. She was really short, and she had a LOW shirt on, I mean as in, I-don't-know-if-you're-even-wearing-that-shirt low. O.O Of course, when she talked to me I HAD to look down at her in order to make contact, and when I did that, she yelled at me saying that I'm perverted and gross. wtf, I wasn't being perverted, and even if I was why the fluck would you wear a shirt that's so revealing if you don't want people to look at your shizz? It's all out there! >:O
Ahem, anyway... When I was home, I was bored and just drew on myself :B With pen and marker! It was fun. For a while at least, huhuhuh~ I made myself look like graffiti.. OFF TO THE SHOWER WITH ME.
Oh, and I went on a trip yesterday to go visit a college fair thing. I went along with Zeek, Razz, and Ian. The trip getting there was sooooo funny. Ian was driving, Razz went in gunshot, me and Zeek were in the back. I was annoying Ian and Razz a lot I think. I was kind off hitting Ian when he would try to be smart with me and he'd say things like Did you know that there's a law stating that it's illegal to hit the driver? and stuff like that and then would threaten to go back to where we were sitting just to beat me, lmfao. We were all goofing off though, except it looked like Razz was mostly sleeping the way there, so we took some ice cubes from a cooler we had in the car and stuffed them in his shirt and jeans. He totally flipped out. XD (We're horrible people, I know. It was just so flucking funny.) We had a lot of candy and junk food to eat while getting there, so maybe that's why. Ian gave me a nickel to shut up until we got there, but you see... This nickel was very shiny.. I just had to show off my new prize to the world.. I took my nickel and showed it to Zeek, omfg. I messed up what I was going to say and ended up saying out loud to look at my shiny nipple. XD Jebuz. Everyone cracked up. I told them all to shut up and called them obscenities. :3 That's when Zeek banned me from cussing, huhuh.. I still cuss though
When we actually got to the college fair, it wasn't as fun. I think that I had more fun GETTING there than being there. We got separated and got lost from each other for a while, I was bored and just wandered around. I think I saw a random clown then.. o_O To make it weirder, this clown looked like he had tattoos down his arm and maybe on his neck. I love tattoos, but I don't think that's a clown I would ever want to bring to a party. ever. After a while we all found each other, agreed that we were bored and went to have subway. I enjoy eating it fresh.
So, after that we started on our way back home. Problem is that we got lost on our way back It took about a half hour longer than it should have. We caused utter HAVOC in that car I tell you. It was war, me and Zeek wrestled for a while, I accidentally kicked Razz in the back of his head and he just looked at me with this look on his face. I can't describe it. I think it was a face in between hearing a really funny joke and wanting to murder someone. Xp But yeah, we got back and as soon as I got dropped off home (it was almost eleven at night) I went to my room, typed up yesterday's update, and crashed. I woke up feeling so much better and refreshed. :D I've needed to have a nice long sleep for a while now. For breakfast, I let myself have cookies and milk, I'm really nice! Throughout the day I walked around, met up with my tree-lover a couple of times even. Xp jk, lmfao. But I did meet somebody today, some entrepreneur that made his own graphic design company. We had an interesting talk about computers and website stuff. (I know nothing about web design.)
I was being a spaz today (I still am) the good night's sleep left me feeling really hyper! I went to go hang out at a gym nearby, when I got there I met up with some people I recognized from school and played volleyball with them. They asked if I wanted to join and I said suuurrrreeeee... The game was no fair. D': It was three against two, I was one of the two. After the game started, the guy who was on my team left and then it was three against one. COME ON. by the end of the game, my arms were so sore. All pink and red from hitting the ball.. At least I kept my ground! >Xp Only thing is that during the game I hit the volleyball wrong and the shock went up all of my fingers, that hurt really bad, but I shook it off after a few minutes. There was somebody else I recognized from school too. This guy I hate that's like a muscle fanatic jock, and he was all sweaty and he needs to shave BAD. He is so hairy that I think a monkey would be jealous. >__>'
That's all the stuff that I've done the past few days. :B And now for the funny picture of me making out with a tree and kicking someone's crotch, lmfao ;D
I look so stupid :B you can see the awesome job I did on my schweet hair clipping~
I feel bad for that poor guy. That face was just the beginning of what he did... lol. *hits self* Bad Noble
Soooo... any questions? :) Talk to meeeee...
I will hate everyone who doesn't comment. O__O
COMMENT ME.. o_O Or I will hunt you down and beat you.
jk, lmfao :3
Me sorry~
Noble is just hyper.
and violent.
~~Ugh.. I'm going to explode.. I ate X__X Why do I always over eat? huhuh. My little cousin came over and I had to take care of her again.. After everyone was gone and I went to check up on her, she was watching tv and saw me. All she said was, please go away. Ouch. Noble is unloved by his young cousin. D': After all of the times I've made her cheese sandwiches, played tickle monster with her, and given her piggyback rides. Even after I forgave her after every time she would mercilessly kick and/or hit me and/or my crotch! D'X
...jk, lmfao. She just likes her teletubbies. T__T'