Mutated monkeys are taking over the world

Sooooo... Yeah. >__>' Nothing up with the title. That song just randomly crossed my mind, huhuhuh. Ehh.. I don't know where to start for today. o_____o I fell asleep in my Math class while listening to music. (It's ok though, we weren't doing anything in class.) During P.E. I decided to do something else instead of the dumb whatever-else-it-was they were doing.. XD I just jogged around the field. I got into a lot of trouble though because at one point I really got bored and went into some shed thing nearby. There was some school campus security guard there that told me I was in a restricted area... oops. I seriously didn't know though. I got a warning but I was being threatened with suspension. Blehhhh, as if I care~ By the time I got back to my class, they had already left and were going back to the classroom. D:< They left me behind, how dare they! During lunch I donated money for booby cancer, lmfao.

It's funny, I totally just found out today that I'm sarcastic. :S Nobody had ever told me I was. I'm not sarcastic on purpose though, huhuh.. But I got somebody angry with how I talked. This girl was telling me how she thinks this one guy is odd, and asked what his parents might be. I told her, well they're people.. and she snapped saying she knows that and I don't have to get smart about it. lol. I was thinking about it all day until it dawned on me. I'm sarcastic. I asked this one guy during lunch that sits next to me. He said DUH.. You're sarcastic like all the time.. You don’t KNOW this?! So I’m just… No, I didn’t.. X__X So far every person I’ve asked has said that I’m really, really sarcastic. Lmfao XD I never knew this, honestly. I don't know if this is good or bad.

It's also funny that the other day I was reading on a post here that some people were going to start up their own band and shizz, well today my buddies Neddy and Jose invited me to try out to be the vocals for the band they have going. The members so far are Neddy, Jose, and this guy named Alex I've seen a couple of times around school. I'm seriously thinking of trying out, too. I have a friend who I told this to, and she decided that she wants to try out too, lmfao, she has a pretty great singing voice so I don't know if I'll be able to beat her. I told another friend of mine that I'm trying out.. He said, NOBLE, ARE YOU CRAZY? We're nerdy enough, we don't join bands!! So we had an argument that just ended up with us yelling Radda at each other. :P I don't know why he hates the idea of me being in a band so much though. I told my mom about it too and she started laughing at me. >__>' She told me, You? In a band? *Laughter* You should have told them... told them.. Then my mom stopped herself and thought for a while and said, You know what Noble? I've never once heard you sing. o.O' Huh.
So THERE biAtches!!! O':< lmfao.. She wasn't the only one.. In total I think three other people told me the same thing. Just to let you all know, I CAN sing. >__< It's just that I usually only sing when I'm in the mood, it's always in my room, and the only person who hears me is my bro sometimes.. I used to be in Choir even, but I dropped out because of how boring it was.. So, I'm trying to figure out what song to sing for the audition. :B They told me to pick a Three Days Grace song, so yeahhhhh. doing that. yup.
I'm in a surprisingly good mood today, whooo~~ :B


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