Sooo... I went to the dentist, huhuh. :B It ws fun. I have a cool 'dental hygienist' that checs my teeth, lmfao. She likes my kind of music, so when she was checking my teeth, Evanescence was playing. I seriously don't get why people hate going to the dentist so much, I like it. I have interesting conversations with the staff there. The lady who checked my teeth told me that my wisdom teth are going to start coming in pretty soon, oh noes, pain.. D; huhuh. She asked me if I wash my teeth and I say every day :3 Sh says good for you Noble! What about flossing? and I say Uhh.. my brother stole my floss.. I just got some a few days ago.. then she asks How long ago did he take your floss? I say A few days after you gave it to me.. Then there is a short silence.. NOBLE, That was six months ago!
XD Lmfao, I'm just the worst.. I got more floss, she told me to make sure it doesn't get taken again, haha.
I'm so bored.. I'm going to watch a movie. It's a horror DVD with ore than 17 hours of shows. >:D bwahahaha, whooo~~ Noble has something to do~ I guess I'll go do that and whatever..
OMFG, never mind, they're horrible 60's and 70's flicks hat won't keep my attention. DX
If you haven't taken the quiz I posted DO EEETTT, I wanna see D':<