Chapter 22

"This is Not working out to well" I said running out of breath,everywhere we went there was Demons,and it seemed that the closer we got more demons appeared,I slid down the. Wall holding on to my right hand which was bleeding out. "There's something you two aren't telling me,why would kayden come here in such a hurry?" I said dia came out of the necklace and sighed "it's just as she explained last time" I nodded "But I fear she might be in the hands of Satan" she said. I all the time she was explaining I had kept my head down,until she mention that name. "Wait,you don't mean the ruler of hell do you?" I said she nodded "so he is real, but why would he want kayden in the first place?" I said looking straight at her. "I think it might not be the right place to speak" she said. "It's kayden's life we are talking about! If this satan has her,she might be in danger Dia!" I said getting frustrated.
"Lady kayden made a deal with him when she was younger,in order to save her family she had to go to hell,and obey him" she said I looked down, "we better get going then". I said holding the necklace up,she went back in.

I grabbed the blade I had taken from a dead hollow. And. Started to walk again when I heard the sound of someone walking over to where I was. I stopped dead in my tracks, to see two hollows standing right in front of me. "The haunt just became easier" one of the smirked. I held the blade right in front of me. I was getting tired of all this,I could already feel dia's spell slowly wearing of. "Get out of my way" I spat out angry. "Just give up kid you're nothing but a pathetic human" he said walking closer,I wanted to moved but I felt my body stiff. One of the many powers of the hollows,I remembered kayden had told me about hers too. "Dia, a little help please" I said. The fairy came out and blinded them. I ran off, "Thanks, I owe you one" I huffed I stopped I was running out of breath easily now, which meant I didn't have anymore time to fool around.

"You stupid human!" The hollow yelled I quickly turn around to only meet his fist pushing me towards the nearest wall, I let out a painful groan,and hear the necklace fall right in front of me, "D-dia" I muttered leaning closer to get the necklace "oh no you don't! This Fairy is the one that got you this far am not gonna let you go farther" he said placing his foot in my arm. "Let go,or else" he said putting more weight on my arm, I groaned, "Eat it" I muttered quickly using my foot to push him away.

"You're dead,human boy!" He shouted raising his blade up,suddenly a agonizing scream of pain filled the halls of the tower. My eyes widened in fear "kayden" I whispered. "And it seems so is she" he said,I quickly stood up and grabbed the blade out of his hands and push him away. "I think you're misinterpreted that part" I said pushing him away, and piercing him through the chest. I walked away my back burning even more. I dint understand what was going on.
I heard her scream again,I quickly followed the sound of her scream I stopped right in front of the door,I kicked the door open to see a hollow man piercing her skin. "Dia take care of kayden,I will take care of him myself." I said pushing the man away from her,I glanced at kayden to see her weak, the color on her skin was slowly fading, she needed to be healed. I punched him,only to met the guy's scapel pierce my right shoulder. I grabbed. His neck and pushed him towards the wall, which knocked him out. I walked over to the table were kayden dia right by her side
I huffed my breathing getting uneven. "We have to get out of here" I said holding kayden bridal styled and running of.
Hopefully I made it to the portal or else this was the end of me.
