Chapter 28

"I know" I said " it's just a lot to take in". I said laying down in the grass,finally taking a good look around it seemed as if just a while ago,the world around me looked black and ominous.
I looked up at the sky, the white clouds moving above me. "So what I just did,is it like a sin?" I said glancing over at kayden.
" Sort of " she said. "That's good" I said. "Am glad you're Ok" I said, the sun beginning to set.
"We should head to the house,a good shower and a nights rest would do you some good." I said standing up. She stood up
"You should thank Dia as well if it weren't for her,I wouldn't have known what to do." I smiled.
Looking over at dia.
I began to walk kayden by my side. I. ~::=::~

The walk over to the house was rather long,I would get a few stares here and there. How would stare at guy with a. Semi battered shirt, covered in blood.
I looked over at my wounds,most of the deep cuts were healed,the only ones that were visible were mere scratches.
We arrived at the house,I was still surprised not to find my grandmother,that was a good thing I didn't want her to see me like this, which meant tomorrow she was arriving.

"If you would like,go and take a shower. " I offered "alright" she said. I whent upstairs and headed straigh for the bed pushing away the boxes,that were standing in my way.
I. Stopped near my bed and threw the ripped shirt. As far as possible,it made the room look messier. I didn't care at the momment I plopped down on my bed,It wasn't until now that I noticed how sore I was.
I still didn't get what was so special about me,and that was one thing I had to learn,what made me so special. That I was even protected by a demon hunter I had began to get feelings for. All of this seemed to good to be true.
