Chapter 39

Shunsuke and I passed through the portal and emerged on the other side in the vast garden of flowers and bushes and trees that surrounded the palace. Smiling because I was finally back home, I grabbed Shunsuke's hand and hurried to the door.

A servant who was sweeping the stairs in front caught sight of me and a smile broke out on her face. "Dorthia!" I cried as I engulfed her in a hug. "It's been far too long!" She tensed in my hug. Frowning, I pulled back, keeping my hands on her shoulder. "What ails you?"

"You are not Kayden Ghile. You are human, and Kayden would never associate herself with the likes of the humans," she eyed Shunsuke warily.

I was taken aback by her words. She was being rather impolite. "Dorthia, it is I, Princess Kayden, you have shamed me and my family for having spoken in such a manner, and in front of a guest no less." I dropped my hands, grabbed Shunsuke's hand and pulled him passed her.

He looked so nervous, and Dorthia's reaction seemed to only confirm his fears. I turned to him, "They won't all treat you like that," I assured him. "I'm sorry you had to hear her talk like that."

Shunsuke only nodded, running a hand through his hair.

I opened the grand doors, and together, we walked over the threshold. I turned to one of the noblemen standing guard. He was on his knees before me when he saw me. "My Lady," he nodded, fisting his hand over his heart, the sign of loyalty.

"Please go inform my parents that we are here," I told him, and he stood up, hurrying down the foyer and heading into the throne room where my parents were attending to some legal matters, no doubt.

"Welcome to my home," I told Shunsuke, pulling him into the living room.

He seemed taken aback; he probably had never been in a Royal's home before. "It's huge," he whispered.

I smiled and was about to say something when the guard came back. "This way my Lady," he gestured with his hands before leading me and Shunsuke to the thrown room.

As soon as I entered the room, my Mother hurried to my side. She stopped short, tilting her head to the side when she caught sight of Shunsuke. Then, she looked back at me, and her eyes narrowed. Father came over to her and the two exchanged looks. A look I could not read, but I had a bad feeling about it in the pit of my stomach.

"What is this?" my father bellowed, his voice louder than normal.

My smile disappeared. "Father, this is Shunsuke, my Bonded."

They both inhaled quickly. "You're bound to another?"

I nodded. "Yes, I chose him, and he chose me."

"You are a lady of the Ghile family. Look at the shame and embarrassment you have brought our name. What will the people think when they learn that you have changed?"

"They'll learn to except it. We are always preaching about excepting people's differences. There will be some people who oppose it at first, but they'll come around." My father looked away, refusing to look me in the eye. "Father, Shunsuke saved my life."

"Better death than what you have become."

My heart stopped and I could feel tears surfacing.

"Johan, you don't mean that," my mother touched his arm, but he brushed her off and left the room.

Shunsuke grabbed my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. I stood there, numb. He would rather have me dead? My mother came over to me, placing a hand hesitantly on my shoulder.

"Your father is just shocked as all. I'll talk to him. I think it's best if you two go to your rooms and take a rest. I'll get the spellcaster to change the air for you two as well. Don't let what your father said to heart. He'll come around."

I nodded. "Right." With that, I headed for the stairs. I was going to go to my room and stare down at the palace below. What had I expected coming here? My father's acceptance? No. I would not get that, not from him
