"Then, why am I the one telling you and not her?" Chance said, I looked down.the words hitting me hard. She woulnt do that.would she?. I looked up at chance, "Thanks for telling me" I said he noded "No problem,am sorry" he said. I shook my head "There's nothing to be sorry about." I said he patted me on the back, "so what are you going to do now?" He said.
I stood quiet, "I don't know,it's probably best if I leave"
"You're probably right,and am sorry about it, I didn't mean to" chance said apologatic..
I smiled as he closed the door. My smiled slowly dissapeared. But it was clear what I needed to do.
I closed my eyes not really sure if what I was doing was right. I sighing I picked up the pen once again. Ans started once again.
I apologize for not saying this straight out,but I think it's clear who's the winner here.and it would be best if I leave.
but there one thing I do want you to know.
You've stolen my heart.
I sighed leaving the pice of paper in my room,sooner or later one of the servants would find it.
I Woke up to the bright sun,and changed. I still wasn't sure if what I did was the right thing to do.
I quickly dressed up putting the uniform. Grabbing my bag and leaving.
As I arived I was greeted by hideki.
"Shunsuke,were where you,you misses like a week of school!!" He said patting my back. "Hey were is kayden?" He asked "she desided to stay with her parents,and her new friend" I said walking ahead of him. "Oh,don't tell me you were going out with her?!" He said.
I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. "Yes"
"Sorry about that man,but you know there's still hope" he said elbowing me. I looked up at him confused. "You know Yuki,she was this huge crush on you since elementary" he said smirking. I shook my head. "Yuki is good looking but am not looking for anyone,and we are going seprate ways after this."
He shook his head. "No,she is attending the same college was you and me,so you better make a move before anyone else does" he said. "I will think about it,".