Welcome to the world of me . in this world all i do is update on my day to day expirneces and to let people know when i am going to be putting new artwork up and to update on certain anime's to watch because im sure that everyone knows that there are some random anime's out there i mean wow LOL!!!

Anyway i hope that everyone like what i have to and your responses and comments would be epic and awsome as i would like to know your personal feed back and also if you have any ideas or any new anime that is comming out i would love to know as i am craving to find a new epic anime to watch.

O yeah almost forgot just a little bit of details about myself i am from Cape Town and yes that is in Africa and before anyone asks we dont have lions running around outside my house, we have game parks for that sort of thing and Cape Town is on the southern tip of Africa so awsome and living right by the sea is amazing. Anyway i am studing I.T and have a passion for graphic design. I enjoy drawing and making wallpapers, drawing style is alot different from anime as i like to draw tattoos more than anime. Thats pretty much it hey i hope that everyone enjoys my art and the world

If you want me on Facebook just look up scott sheeran and make sure its in South Africa Cape Town.

Have a Rocking Day Everyone!!!

Back to the real world

OMG!!!!....still cannot get use to the fact of having to wake up so early to go back to college its so lame!!!!!....kak funny thing happened to me this holidays that i was i got kidney stones how kak is that and im only 21 lol!!!!! well atleast i know how it feels and trust me you dont want to get one man it really really really sucks.

Any way holidays was alright nothing really exciting happened just jammed it up with friends and party hard and also had to work lol there is always work involved need the money to keep parting lol!!!

The other thing that i have been thinking about is that i must invest in getting an uncapped line lol so hate being capped all the time lol!!! plus i think i play to many games online to lol damn i haven't submitted anything in awhile lol thats so bad i have so many peices that i have been working on lol must submit them.

well that pretty much it for now im at college now doing work lol i do to much work lol!! so i hope who ever is reading this has a rocking day and ill keep you posted

Now Your Back

Ollo everybody lol i hope that everyone is having a great year so far lol mine has been hectic from the begging o my word!!!! i have so many things happening this year i mean my aunt and uncle are coming from over seas i have to do so many assignments and the best of them all is that im turning 21 this year how awsome is that LOL!!!!!

Wow i really hope that i am sober enough to actually remember lol, but wait there is more lol im going to be putting up some new wallpapers i hope that they are to everyones liking lol!!!

have a rocking day and thanks for reading this message

Back to work

Wow its been ages since i've posted or evan been online lol well i hope that everyone has had a great christmas and an awsome new year and didn't get to wasted LOL!!! cough cough.... anyway back to the real world. So not amped to wake up early tomorow going to be so tired going to be like a zombie that is on crack how ever that looks lol!!!

well pretty much nothing to say about the holidays just that they went so fast wish it could have been longer o well lol man i dont really have anything else to say lol ok...

have a rocking day everyone ill post something next time that is better lol!!!!

Fingers are going to fall off

Wow today was insian went to go write my EBM test toaday wow waht a mission that was. So much writting i mean like a shit load of writting lol thats the whole reason that i chose IT so then i dont have to write stupid essays Lame...O well im glad that i got it done with now i dont have to worry abot it anymore, lol i hope i passed though.

well yes there isn't reallt much to say today because the whole week it has just been me studing and chiling with my girlfriend. Really wish that they would bring out the second season of high school of the dead already man what an awsome anime.The only other thing that is really any news is that it is kak hot and im cooking lol good thing i have a nice pool which i think im going to jump into now so i bid you all a great day and may good things happen to thee..

have a rocking day everyone

Wow wallpaper carzy LOL!!! hehehe

Well as everyone can see lol i have gone abit made with the wallpapers lol but i cant help it lol i just have so many ideas i just have to make them lol!!!, but thank you so much for all your comment its very nice to know that my work is appreiciated if there is anything that anyone thinks that i should add or if there is something that im reapeting please dont be shy leave a comment on the picture ore just send me a message it would be very well appreciated thank you lol and i guess you all ready know that there is gooing to be alot more wallpaper submissions lol so brace yourself lol!!!

have a rocking day and dont stress about the little things