Back to the real world

OMG!!!!....still cannot get use to the fact of having to wake up so early to go back to college its so lame!!!!!....kak funny thing happened to me this holidays that i was i got kidney stones how kak is that and im only 21 lol!!!!! well atleast i know how it feels and trust me you dont want to get one man it really really really sucks.

Any way holidays was alright nothing really exciting happened just jammed it up with friends and party hard and also had to work lol there is always work involved need the money to keep parting lol!!!

The other thing that i have been thinking about is that i must invest in getting an uncapped line lol so hate being capped all the time lol!!! plus i think i play to many games online to lol damn i haven't submitted anything in awhile lol thats so bad i have so many peices that i have been working on lol must submit them.

well that pretty much it for now im at college now doing work lol i do to much work lol!! so i hope who ever is reading this has a rocking day and ill keep you posted
