Welcome to my lair. Where Orochimaru resigns and where I make my stories and awesome posts. I devote this shrine to my dear Orochimaru-sama. So please enjoy and don't forget to comment on my art please.

no subject

Nothing much has happened lately. But It turns out that I turned my ex bf gay or he was either using me to hide his gay image. Idk. Also now my friend thinks I'm satanic because I carry the death note with me. She doesn't even know its an anime. She is so stupid. She won't except me for who I am and she needs to get over herself. It pisses me off. I think that being to nice never gets me anywhere. People tell me to smile and to be happy. I try but all it ever does is bring me heartach. My friend doesn't understand me. She will never understand me. And yet she's been through pain too. I don't get it.

Also in other news...my cosins wife went to jail from stealing money from the city. Yet another idiot. What's worse is she has kids too. Three adorable kids. Why did she do that? Now her kids will have to live with my crazy cousin. He's mean too. I feel sorry for them not having a mom to help them.

Man what a screwed up life. But hey I don't have it that bad. These are just little problems anyway right?


Well I know its late. Its not like anyone would comment on here anyway. Anyway I start school tommorow. I can't wait. Finally I get away from this boring busy ass summer. Man. Oh and good news is I also have contacts. ^^ But I need to get used to them. They are bothering me so bad. Also tommorow is Picture day. Yuck. I hate taking pictures. But what's worse is that our schools under construction. Its so stupid. Its like a prison. Also I'm taking frence. I'm so excited. On taking another forien language. ^^ Other people ask why i'm not taking spanish. Well i'm just different thats all. And french seems like its one of the classes people don't pick. Well I'm tired. I'm goona go. But if you comment on here and you see this guy. Watch out Its sasuke and he looks like he wants you. O_o EVERYONE RUNAWAY!!!!!!!!!

I've been tagged

1) post these rules
2)each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves
3)tags should write a journal/blog of these facts
4)at the end of these post 8 more ppl r tagged and named
5)to tag go to another persons page and tell them there taged

1. Spiders scare me. (sorry magnus)
2. I practice with my metal kunai that I got at the anime con at my dads house though it's not a succsesful ninja training. I suck at throwing kunai.
3.I have no life
4. I like sweets
5. I love Orochimaru
6. I love to draw.
7. I wear my sound headband everywhere I go.
8. I read lemons.

Well I guess thats 8 I don't care who gets tagged. Anyone who wants to do this.

I'm on YouTube

Hey I might not have pictures from the anime con but I'm on YouTube. I'm at the very end of this video I'm in the kid Orochimaru costume. ^^ So please enjoy. And I'm also with the other two sannin. (Though the guy in the Jiraiya outfit scared me.

Wisdom teeth no more.

Man I feel better than I did yesterday after the opperation. But it hurts alittle. And the damn bleeding wont stop. Though I'm bleeding alittle. All I did was rest. I was bed riden for the rest of the day. This really sucks Though thank god for amnisia. Just think if we were in the late 1800s no computers and there would have been alot of pain. All I remembered was the lady asking me if I had a job and I said no but I'm looking for one. And then I was out. I have no Idea why she asked me about a job though. O_o So yeah it wasn't much. I better go get more rest. Later.
~Oto the second otokage~