New Fan Fiction coming soon! ~

Hey guys! ^^

For those who have known me longer, you should have known I have got a fan fiction account.

For those who have just met me, or haven't even talked to me, mu account name is thelilfox. No spaces or capitals.

Anyway, for those who have read my story on Junjou Egoist so far, the next chapter will be made real soon. Promise. 100 Songs is being a bit slow. After all of my friends help, I still ahven't been able to achive 100 love songs yet.


Back to my title, I am making another Junjou Egoist story. *backgroud cheers*

However, it will be mainly Egoist, but Romantica and Terrorist will be mentioned a bit more in this one. *cheers get bigger*

I was also making a XemSai fan fic, but if you read my previous post, my friend's sister broke my memory stick with the story on it, so back to the old drawing board!

So yeah, here is a sneak preview of part of my new story. It will be up as soon as my science exam is over, which is on WEDNESDAY. WRITE IT IN YOUR DIARY! XD

"“Where did these bags come from?! Ah, I need to get ready soon! But I don’t want to come in to school with these ugly things!” Shinobu panicked. He ran to the bathroom and found some eye-roll-on.

“Thank goodness!” He was about to put some on, until he felt something was missing. He searched through the cupboard and found the missing ingredient. Face moisturiser. Good thing his sister left a bottle here. It was made by “Simple.” He had heard about by some of the girls from the university. It’s supposed to be really good for skin because it has vitamins in it. How they could put vitamins in a cream was way past him, but hey. If it works then he’s happy.

He squeezed a bit on his hands and rubbed it between his hands. Then following the instructions, he rubbed it in an up and down movement on his face. What he didn’t notice was a stone cold Miyagi standing behind him with an almost horrified face.

Shinobu-chin wearing makeup? Am I missing something?

Still unknown that Miyagi was behind him, he looked at himself in the mirror. He could already feel his skin getting softer. He smiled and opened the small tube of eye-roll-on and applied it to his bags. He hopped it would take effect soon; he wanted to rid these things ASAP. His bags still remained, but less than before. At least something was happening. He smiled brightly and turned to see a very smug Miyagi. Shinobu blushed, Miyagi had never seen him do something like this, wait. He had NEVER done something like this anyway."
That was a small preivew of the Terrorist side, and I will get the story up soon! Wait for me! ^^
