Surgery... O_O

My days, we had the most horrid History lesson 2day.

We were learning about surgery in the 20th century, and miss showed us a video about it, AND IT WAS SO GRUSSOME!

I don't even want to know how grusome it was. When I heard we were watching a video about surgery, I litrally hid under the desk.

Yes. I am such a wimp. But yeah, for like 30mins I was sitting under the desk drawing in my diary and listening 2 my iPod. When it was over, I asked my friend how it was, she said it was so bad! She even said it was better that I stay under the desk than watch it because I wouldn't be able to take it.


My other friend who wanted to be a doctor and did history just for the reason of medicine through time, even said she doesn't want to be a doctor anymore just because of that one film.

Ugh... I am so happy I'm extremly squeemish...

The only reason I did History was because we will be doing WW2. I love learning about war! ^^ It's inteeging!!! Yes I am a nerd....
And yes, for those who know me alot. I got into History because of Hetalia! XD
