Things are looking up with my abscess! :D

Hey! ^^

Best. Night. EVER! :D

I want to really thank everyone who has supported me and hoped that I will get better, because I really am now! ^^

I still have it, but it doesn't hurt as much now. The iboprofin that i took before was to weak to stand against the abscess, but it the ojnly one I could take. They're called "Nurofen Meltlets." Why I use them? because even though I am 14 years old, 15 in july, I cant swallow tabets. -__- I know, pathetic...

But they're to weak against the pain, so I had to find another methors which was a bit of a pain. In the end I had to resort to crushing normal pills and swallowing them with squash. That both worked so much, I didnt feel much pain for like 4 or so hours, maybe more, and it didnt taste horrible. Not to mention though I was pinching my nose when I drank it just in case! ^^;

Come night time however that was where I got a bit nervous. Why? Because mum made me drink crushed PARACETAMOL. O_O HORRIBLY BITTER PARACETAMOL.

It was a great idea. It was strong enough to stop the pain for the whole night, so thats like 7 hours, and it kinda KO'd me so I fell asleep happily, it just tasted horrible! -__- It kinda made me throw up a bit too... Just a tiny bit, and it was likepure water because I had been gulping it down

But yeah, things are brightening up! Sure I feel like Im going to vomit, but hey! ^^ As long as this infections gone then my body can vomit as much as it wants!

..... Ok maybe that was a bit extreme... O_o
