Getting my hair dyed! :D

Hey! ^^

Im sure most of ou are aware of whats going on in England right now. And while most of us are concerened about whats going on, we need to push away from that and get on with out lives. The police will take care of the riots. There will be 16000 of them tonight so it should get better.

Im safe where I live. There have been 1 or 2 disturbances in town, but i live away from there, and we have almost no vital shops here. Nothing special so we're safe. I just worry about the people in London. Lets hope very bad happens tonight.

As I said, we just need to relax and get on with our lives and let the police take care of things. So for me, IM GETTING MY HAIR DYED RED!!!! :D

I CAN NOT WAIT!!! >w< I have to wait 'till Thursday to do it, because Im doing the skin test at the mo. Been 4 hours and nothing yet, so thats good! >w< If nothing happens in 48 hours then im not allergic and can get my hair died!!! >w<

This is what Im using:
External Image

If it turns out well I may go perminat red!!! >:D I CANT WAIT!!!!!!
