ZeLink is adorable!

Hey! ^^

Latley I've become a real big LoZ fan, and one thing I just love is ZeLink! <3 It's so cute! Ive gotten into this thing that I need to get the LoZ games soon, 'cause at the mo, all I have is Spirit Tracks, and I'm watching The Wind Waker on yotube, untill I can find a version of it that isn't almost £90. -__-; I also want to get Ocarina of Time. I went to Game to ask if you play 3DS games on the DS lite, 'cause that's what I have, no. No you cant. So I guess Im going to have to get the older version for the N64 of the Wii. Depends if my dad wants to that is....

Oh well. Enough of my gaming problems and back to the original plot! XD ZeLink!!! >w< Ish so cute!!!

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