Otaka meme~

Hey! ^^

Theived from angel-chan's worl :P

1. How long have you been an anime fan?
It's only been 4 years actually. :D I go into it in year 8.

2. What was your first anime?
My proper first was One Piece when I was 5, but I didn't know it was an anime. My whole proper anime series I watched and completed was Lucky Star, and that was a couple of years before I got into anime I think

3. What was your first manga?
Ah ha... My first was an american christian manga called "Serenity". I don't rember my first Japanese one.

4. What is your favourite anime? Why?
HETALIA HETALIA HETALIA HETALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 To be honest even I dont know! XD I think because I just find it funny and awesome. Not like Prussia.

5. What is your favourite manga? Why?
Manga series would be Spiral the Bond's of Reasoning because it's interresting, cute and I like the thriller element in it. ^^

6. What is your favourite manga genre? Why?
As depressing and dark I am in real life, I really like rom-coms! ^^ I just love watching a cute fluffy romance! <3 And then it explodes into a hot ------ {THIS SECTION HAS BEEN ROMOVED FOR YOUNG AUDIENCES]------ I also just love comedys! X3 I love things that make me laugh! XD Shounen ai aswell, but no explisit stuff. O_o I've already been scared....

7. How much have your manga tastes changed since you first started watching anime?
It hasn't that much actually. I liked shounen ai before I got into anime, blame Kingdom Hearts, but I guess Im not as afraid of thillers and horrors in anime, but I still can't watch it with out switiching the computer off... -__-;

8. What anime/manga have you been obsessed with over the years? Do you still like it?
I haven't been obbsessed for an anime for years. I mean I guess the closets would be Hetalia, but It's only been over a year since I found out about it.

9. Do you prefer more mainstream manga or less popular manga?
I kinda like less popular. Most of the popular ones I just dont like. I do like some populars though. Hetalia, One Piece, Lucky Star etc.

10. What is your favourite anime/manga character?
Engalnd, Romano, China, Hiroki Kamijou, Shu Momose. There are more but it could take a while... ^^;

11. Do you have an anime/manga crush? If so, who?
The answers above. Execpt the first 4 are gay, but I still love them! X3

12. Do you have a favourite anime/manga pairing? If not, make something up
You just love makeing me make long list's dont you?
Junjou Romantica
Junjou Egoist
Junjou Terrorist

13. Do you like reading/writing fanfics?
I read 1 hour of fan fiction every night before I go to sleep (helps with the insomnia) and I do have a fan fiction account, but at the moment Im on Haitus. I havent got any good material at the mo. I guess it is writters block.

14. Do you like drawing/looking at fanart? If so, for what manga, or does it not matter?
I look up fan art from all the animes Ive seen. I draw ones that are my faves.

15. What is your favourite song in an anime (it can be background music or OP/ED songs)?
Gah! You're enjoying this aren't you?!
Asterisk from Bleach
Bomb a Head from Tenjou Tenge
Brand new World from One piece
GO! from Naruto
HT from Trigun
Kesenai Tsumi from FMA
Kiiro Vacances from Pani Poni Dash
Kokoro no Chizu from One Piece
Let me be with You from Chobits
Lum no Love song from Ursei Yatsura
Motteka! Sailor Fuku from Lucky Star
My soul, Your beats from Angel Beats
Ready, Steady, GO! from FMA
Resonance from Soul Eater
Roulette from Pani Poni Dash
Share the World from One Piece
Shoujou Q from Pani Poni Dash
Sora mimi Cake from Azumanga Daioh
Super Drive from Gravitation
Tanizawa Tomofumi from Kimi ni Todoke
Tank! from Cowboy Bebop
True Light from D N Angel
Trust me from DRRR!
Yuragu Koto Nai Ai from Get backers
Bratja from FMA
Brightdown from D Gray-Man
Dramatic from Big Windup
Hana=Kimi from Junjou Romantica
I'm alive from Kuroshitsuji
Monochrome no Kiss from Kuroshitsuji
Paper moon from Soul Eater
Snow Fairy from Fairy Tail
Tori no Uta from Air
And there are so much more...

16. What is your least favourite anime/manga? Why?
Im so going to get hate from this..
Tokyo Mew Mew
Shugo Chara
Fruits Basket
Why? Because Bleach I found boring, Mew Mew I found stupid, Shugo chara made me go WTF and fruits basket, I dont like the whole thing.

17. What is your favourite video game? Why?
Final fantasy 9, 8, 10, 10-2. Kingdom Hearts 2 and 358/2 Days. Legend of Zelda, The Wind waker and Spirit Tracks (They've all Ive played). Portal 1 and 2. Team Fortress 2.

18. What is your favourite kind of videogame?
RPGs, all out killing games like TF2 and CoD (which I can't get 'cause I dont have any of the platforms to play it on), and puzzle games like LoZ and Portal.

19. What is your favourite anime movie?
I liked Princess Mononoke and FMA: Conquor of Shamballa.

Do this if you want. ^^
