Proof that I have improved

I was rummaging through a box today and found one of my totally awesome black and white splatter composition books for english writing from when I was like...9. I had to write a short story, so I created my very first character.

Just for the fun of it, I will retype it here, in all it's awful, badly spelled 'glory'. And probably some snarky comments added here and there.

Once apon a time there was a boy named Roman. Roman was a orphan who lived in Arizona in the 1800's. It was cold that day what day?, and Roman had found shelter i n a horse barn. The next morning the owner of the horse came out to feed. When I woke up that mouning Spelled it right up there, what happened? some one was shaking me. It was a girl named Ariana. Hello, who are you? and what are you doing in the barn? Well, natally, I stood up to my full 7 feet nine 0_0 Good gravy, thankfuly my boys are all much shorter now, and said My name is Roman and it is none of your busines why I am here. It is most certainly my business, because it is MY barn. It was the only place I could find, to keep warm, and I am an orphan. yes, because every boy just admits that right off Are you happy now? I was very inberist ??? when she walked me to the house, because I keepif triping over my feet. The next day Ariana said Roman, pick your feet up and watch were your going. One of these times your going to hurt yourself." why did I start using " all the sudden? Well after a couple times of picking up my feet, I started not to trip so much. But I still trip a little, it also helps to make friends at school and the boys don't tease me so much any more. Well, Ariana is calling me so I better go. Goodbye!

The end.

Perfectly painful. All I can say is Ariana is very trusting to let some strange 7'9 boy she found stay with her. Good times...goodtimes.

