Blast from the Past

While in the process of packing, I stumbled upon my old spelling notebook with some stories in it. Writing this out is sort of...therapy, to counter pre-moving depression...*shrugs* maybe it will brighten someone elses day as well.

Snarky comments will be in bold.


This is a ficton story!

In some countries, such as Dreary Land, people do not have insurance this is important..why? or fancy cars, however most of the people are indiffernt about it, but there are the few that envy the well dressed employee's that work for the cruel Sultan, the employee's that dine nightly on their cows which they grabed from the homley cow herders, which every night hurry home from grazing their sheep wait, I thought they were cow herders... on distant pastures, or else be devored alive by fever inducing insects, almost a half an inch in diameter, these frightening bugs were formaly disloyal subjects of the Sultan. Finally! A period! These things had torn down the newly constructed grain elevator, estimated to have cost 500 pounds. Soon after they had enjoyed the fallen grain, they happily headed into the city, and people scattered in all directions! Poor Yadisha's Wth?? grandma was to formal however to run, and was snatched and was inserted into a vile mouth and hereafter was deducted into nothing. Healthy school kids hurried home, but one triped on a hose and was devored alive! Here inclosing I must say I was honored to be discussing this dreary tale. and remember this is only fiction!




It was the bottom of the ninth, the servants were running around selling p-nuts and soda pop. Servants working baseball games...hmmm The owners of the park were watching the parade folks recite the 5th amendment, through a pair of binoculars. We had just made a purchase of cotton candy,when it happened! A 95 mile an hour fast ball hit the lead singer in the back of the head. What the heck kind of baseball game is this? Now the singer was a refined painted from Paris. As we looked at the man we saw him turn pale and then fall on a patch of ice. Now we had a problem. Ice at a baseball game with singers and parades? Yeah, I'd say we have a problem You see the anoncer had failed to anonce that he had notifed the town officels. But they weren't let in because they didn't have a pass.
So someone made a proposition "We must revive him" they yelled. They scouted around, and soon they found a man that was a Doctor by profession, but his prices were to high. We all had overlooked to call 911 and so the lead singer died. how tragic It got quiet as we paid our respects, then we selected a very religious man to say a few words, and the after time of reflection, everyone returned to there homes. The owners proposed that the park never be opened again.
The End.


*Twitch twitch*

