100 Themes pt 3

21. Vacation:

The twins had never seen the ocean before so Alek and Epona delighted in their excited chatter and squeals of joy as they experienced the cold roiling water that stretched on as far as the eye could see. Epona had never romped on a bed of moss in a forest and Alek took delight in making her as breathless as she made him. It was the best vacation ever.

22. Mother Nature:

Octavian hung onto his sister for dear life as they thundered through the forest, Fricka intent on out running the storm. The wind sang in his ears and thunder shook the very fibers of his being. Lightening split the sky and Fricka's hair whipped him in the face as the big grey gelding flew over a log. Before he hid his face in her shirt, he caught a glimpse of her face. She was smiling and he knew she was telling Mother Nature to screw herself.

23. Cat:

She smiled at him across the table and he choked on his coffee as her foot slid up his leg. She could make him feel like a mouse and he didn't mind at all if she was the cat.

24. No Time:

There was no time for doors.

Fricka blew another one down and and sprinted into the labs, screaming Octavian's name.

There was no time to think.

Arnulfa slashed through scientists as she raged at them.

There was no time for tears.

She hugged him close and desperately tried to save him.

There was no time.

25. Trouble Lurking:

Octavian had trouble lurking. Fricka did not. Rolf wished that she did.

26. Tears:

Someone had once told her that all your tears were kept in a bottle. As she stared at the bottle of vodka and wiped her face, she figured that she had a barrel of tears somewhere.

27. Foreign:

As Rolf handed the two, tiny little bundles to him, Alek reflected how foreign it was to feel so incredibly in love with things he had never even seen before.

28. Sorrow:

He would never forget the sorrow he felt at his first kill. Fricka was un-phased, at least outwardly. He had sat and cried until his tears washed the blood from his face and said he was sorry over and over until Alek had found him and taken him home.

29. Happiness:

For her, happiness was riding the back of the wind. For him, happiness was wrapping his arms around her and waking up the same way.

30. Under the Rain:

Dolph had grabbed her and kissed her under the rain; she was wet, tired and aching...and didn't mind at all.
