100 Themes pt 5

40. Rated:

"Wow, he was sexy." Epona glanced over her shoulder at the man who had walked by.

Alek bristled and she patted his arm gently.

"Don't worry, you rate number one in my heart and everywhere else."

41. Teamwork:

Octavian was borderline intelligent and Fricka was borderline insane. He planned, she charged in headfirst. Watching them learn teamwork was amusing at best.

42. Standing Still:

Hans smirked. Standing still was a novelty for the twins; the promise of a treat however, had turned them both into silent little statues.

43. Dying:

Despite being immortal, Fricka feared death. But she feared dying alone even more.

44. Two Roads:

They had stood at a branching of two roads that night and looking back, Alek was glad he had taken the one less traveled, for it had led him to her.

45. Illusion:

Dolph grabbed the bottle as she dropped it, cocked her fist and let fly. The illusion shattered into a thousand fragments and he was glad he could be there to pull the pieces out of her heart.

46. Family:

Family wasn't always who was blood related to you but the people you surrounded yourself with that you knew you could always fall back on. Fricka hadn't realized that her men were her family.

47. Creation:

He looked at his wife, wearing the delicate necklace he had made, then around at the room of the castle he had built. His eyes drifted back to the twins, cuddled in-front of the fire together and smiled. They were his favorite creation.

48. Childhood:

As a child, he had suffered senseless abuse, the knowledge that his mother had died before he could even suckle, and notoriety from villagers simply because he had been born a Kasbaarg. He swore that his offspring would have the best childhood he could possibly give them.

49. Stripes:

He laughed when she woke up with stripes imprinted on her face from his pant leg. She laughed when he woke up with black ink painted across his face.

50. Breaking the Rules:

"You're breaking the rules of the game!" Octavian sulked, glaring up at his sister, high in a tree.

"Screw the rules." she replied.
