100 Themes pt 7

I've mentioned Hans several times now. Hans was one of the original Fifteen and kinda the 'cool Uncle' to the twins, giving them treats, teaching them all sorts of things Alek wished he hadn't. Fricka had a massive crush on him.


60. Rejection:

She was afraid of being rejected because of what she was. He loved her all the more for it.

61. Fairy Tale:

She was sitting in the patch of sunlight in the library, reading intently, long red hair shining like red gold. Alek thought his little girl looked like a fairy tale princess. Until she rolled over and sank her teeth into her brothers neck and started a fight.

62. Magic:

Alek hated magic. Growing up with an abusive mage father had taught him that magic was evil and caused pain. But he couldn't deny that something magical happened when she touched his shoulder or gave him a sideways glance at the dinner table.

63. Do Not Disturb

Dolph quickly back-peddled out of the tent as three throwing knives flew through the opening after him followed by a string of cursing. He marched to his saddle bag, pulled a piece of parchment out and wrote, then pinned it on the tent opening. "Do NOT Disturb."

64. Multitask:

She would never figure out how he could draw up battle plans and drive her crazy at the same time.

65. Horror:

Octavian would never forget the horror of waking up completely bald.

66. Traps:

As Hans stalked after the oblivious twins and evaded yet another punji trap only to nearly walk into a snare, he instantly regretted teaching them about how to make traps.

67. Playing the Melody:

The two of them sat on their mounts on the rugged, wind swept mountain top, surveying the valleys below. The wind played a subtle melody, howling around the rocks and singing through the scrub brush; spiraling upwards to jingle the horses bridles and Fricka barked a laugh when it pulled her hair loose and whipped it about like a flag.

68. Hero:

He pulled her from the dungeon, sweaty, blood splattered, wounded and mud streaked and smelling like he had just wallowed through a pig sty and she realized that hero's didn't have to be knights in shining armor.

69. Annoyance

She was standing on the rungs of his chair, munching a cookie loudly in his ear, spilling crumbs down his shirt collar. Laurie twitched, but continued writing in his journal. Now she was brushing the fine hairs on the back of his neck with her grubby little fingers and nibbling on his shirt. He sighed and closed the book, turned and snatched the red head with a smile. An annoyance, yes...but a really cute one.

70. 67%

She told him that she was 100% sure he was going to be a Father. He was 67% sure he was going to pass out.
